Drink enough coffee or pop and you’ll pack on the pounds. If you're prone to spilling  caffeine-infused beverages on yourself it could pay off with a slimer waistline!!

At least that’s the claim made by a European clothing company called Lytess, which is marketing pants lined with caffeine to help people lose weight.

Lytess fills the pants with caffeine patches, in the belief that caffeine causes metabolism to soar, which should cause a drop in weight. The clothing also features shea butter in an attempt to fight the battle of the bulge.

The company’s website gets a little infomercially on prospective customers by gushing, “Made of fibers imbedded with caffeine and shea butter micro-capsules, their slimming action is released by the friction of ordinary motion.” Right – and decaf coffee gets the job done, too, right?

As you might imagine, there are plenty of folks who are skeptical.   Like anything else, maybe it's worth a try!  You can't get results if you don't try first.

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