
Mortified Wendy
Mortified Wendy
Mortified Wendy
A few months ago, I watched the documentary “Mortified Nation” on NetFlix, and it inspired me. If you haven’t seen “Mortified Nation” it is a documentary about a show that is done in cities around the country in which adults get up on a stage in front of hundreds of people and read aloud from their childhood journals. I was a pretty dedicated journal-writer when I was a kid, so I felt it was my du
'Mortified Wendy'
'Mortified Wendy'
'Mortified Wendy'
A few months ago, I watched the documentary "Mortified Nation" on NetFlix, and it gave me an idea. If you haven't seen "Mortified Nation" it is a documentary about a show that is done in cities around the country in which adults get up on a stage in front of hundreds of people and read aloud from their childhood journals. As an avid childhood journal-writer, I felt it was my du