lea michele

“Dirty Dancing” Remake? Well, That Sounds Terrible
“Dirty Dancing” Remake? Well, That Sounds Terrible
“Dirty Dancing” Remake? Well, That Sounds Terrible
I'm about to say something that I'm sure most of my peers could never truthfully say. I've never seen "Dirty Dancing". It's true. Somehow that movie slipped under the radar for me when I was in my "watch all of the popular 80's movies" phase in college. I'm almost 30, and I've never seen "Dirty Dancing". Many of my friends are completely dumbfounded by this fact. I'm
Kellie’s Showbiz Top 5 [AUDIO]
Kellie’s Showbiz Top 5 [AUDIO]
Kellie’s Showbiz Top 5 [AUDIO]
Today on the Top 5:  A fake Lady Gaga tears up Miami, the professional breakup between Beyoncé and her father, the scoop on an unusual accident involving Lea Michele of 'Glee', a look into Foxy Brown's temper tantrum on a Royal Caribbean cruise, and the confirmation of Scarlette Johanson & Sean Penn's new relationship (but will it last?).  Get your daily dose of Hollywood gossip from the one a