
Wendy Live-Tweets ‘Sharknado 2′
Wendy Live-Tweets ‘Sharknado 2′
Wendy Live-Tweets ‘Sharknado 2′
I'm not going to lie, I've already watched "Sharknado 2: The Second One" twice. My love for this series of campy shark/natural disaster movies is slightly troubling, but I just can't get enough of them. When the movie debuted on Wednesday night, I had my DVR set and my phone fully charged. I was ready to live-tweet the awesome/terribleness of the latest installment. I must say, I wasn't
I’m Far More Excited Than I Should Be For ‘Sharknado 2′
I’m Far More Excited Than I Should Be For ‘Sharknado 2′
I’m Far More Excited Than I Should Be For ‘Sharknado 2′
All day today, I've been like a kid on Christmas morning. Why? Because tonight is the premier of Syfy's Sharknado 2: The Second One (9 PM ET). Much to the chagrin of pretty much everyone I know (sans my dear friend Christian), I have been anxiously waiting for this movie's release since I first saw the original Sharknado.