
10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
You can always spot a parent around the holiday season. Their hair is a frazzled mesh of cow licks and stray strands as if it’s been pulled by a crowd of frantic people. Their eyes dart around in all directions desperately seeking something that could suddenly appear at a moment’s notice. They break down and cry during commercials that advertise “the hottest toy of the holiday season.”
Breast Milk Baby Allows Children To Simulate Breast Feeding
Breast Milk Baby Allows Children To Simulate Breast Feeding
Breast Milk Baby Allows Children To Simulate Breast Feeding
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Breast Milk Baby: a doll that lets children pretend they are breast feeding. I'm not making this up, and it's on its way to stores in the US. The doll makes motions and sucking noises and is an hit for Spanish toymaker Berjuan Toys. But, is this the kind of thing that should be marketed to kids here in the States?
Stop Wrap Rage
Stop Wrap Rage
Stop Wrap Rage
Think you're going to open that Christmas toy with your bare hands and a pair of scissors?  Good luck. You're more likely to end up with wrap rage and stitches in your fingers. Here's something than may help when the kids are losing patience...