OK. I know that we have some strange conversations now and then... BUT, this one actually kind of made me squeamish :O( We were talking about raw meat. I HATE TOUCHING RAW MEAT!!! Just THINKING about it, grosses me out. If I HAD to touch raw meat every day, I would, no doubt, be a vegetarian. No kidding. Nasty! Gets us to our Text Question of the Day - What do you HATE to touch??

What do you hate to touch???

  • I hate touching cotton balls and yarn
  • Pumpkin guts! I'm a pediatric nurse and I think pumpkin guts are nastier than anything we have to touch at work-laura
  • I can't stand touching the soggy food floating in dishwater...
  • My wife also hates to touch meat. She was marinating some stake on Saturday and picked the stake up with tongs to put it in a Ziploc bag. The raw steak touched her hand holding the ziplock bag and she began to dry heave. I just happened to be looking at the exact time it touched her hand. It was very funny
  • I don't like the feel of cotton swabs and or cotton balls
  • Chewed bubble gum
  • The hair at bottom of the shower drain
  • I hate touching worms, Fish or Avacado. Ewww!
  • I will not touch weird-shaped cheese. Cheese curds make my skin crawl. I absolutely will not even open the refrigerator if I know there are cheese curds in there because it physically hurts me to look at them.
  • #TQOTD I hate touching Fish! Eww...yuck. I used to work 3rd shift at a store that sold fish and I always dreaded when someone wanted to buy some because I did NOT want to be sticking my hand in those tanks.
  • Things I hate feeling .... moms nasty add toenails that need to b cut.
  • I cannot touch raisins
  • At work, I have to deal with the live lobsters and I hate touching them
  • HATE touching cotton when your hands are dry
  • I hate to touch anything in a public restroom, raw meat, and leftover food on dishes that get wet prior to washing
  • I don't have an issue with touching meat but I have an issue with my hands if the juices dry on them and they get crusty and sticky. I don't like stuff drying on my hands that makes them sticky. That and I hate touching certain blankets with dry hands. I need that silky stuff or the woven blankets, that's my favorite
  • Chalk
  • Slime! Why does every kid think I want to touch it
  • This is such a cringe-worthy text question of the day. But I hate touching spider webs or cobwebs. Any type of web
  • Dishwater food
  • I hate touching flour. It's like nails on the chalkboard for me.
  • I hate puke!!!!!
  • I hate to touch cotton balls...it gives me the eeby jeebies...
  • My ex's cold soul
  • I hate hand washing wooden spoons it gives me the Goosebumps just thinking about it
  • Wrinkly feet and hands.... you know after a kid stays in the bath too long
  • Dry clay. Like those terra cotta pots. YUCK!
  • Overnight dishes left in the sink
  • Raw chicken, Dough and anything related to toilets
  • Dog poop. I'm a cat person, but for some reason, both my daughter and son have gotten dogs. So when I dogsit for them or bring their dog for a walk, and have to pick up the poop, even though it's with a bag, that feeling of picking up something warm and squishy is gross!
  • Sweaty money
  • Raw chicken
  • Being a Nurse Practitioner, I hate to touch feet! Even with gloves on! Feet are so gross
  • Styrofoam
  • Wet grass. It's cold, unexpected, ruins your shoes, and it's just messy. Ick.
  • Ooo ooo the muck in the bottom of a lake. Frogging gross
  • I work in healthcare and I do not like to touch old peoples feet
  • I do not like to touch raw liver
  • Working out and you have to go to the bathroom, then pulling your sweaty underpants back on. Yuuuuuck.
  • Something I've always hated was like oil and grease. Cooking oil etc. And I'm don't care for lotion don't like the feeling
  • I hate touching dirty clothes
  • I hate my bum touching a wet toilet seat
  • Also, chalk reminds me of chalkboards and nails on them
  • I hate the old perverted deacons at church touching me
  • Any jar or bottle condiment mixed with water. When you're rinsing out bottles of ranch or jars of spaghetti sauce
  • I cannot STAND touching construction paper or chalk!
  • Hate touching the bottom of the garbage bag when returning bottles and cans. All the backwash pooling at the bottom of the bag makes me physically ill
  • When you have to stick your hand in the garbage disposal because something fell in there, and then your wrist and the back of your hand touches the underside of that black flap in the drain. That’s disgusting.
  • My ex-husband. If his hand brushes up against mine it literally turns my stomach!
  • We have kids together so it happens on occasion. Even when he's in my personal space! Yuck!
  • I hat to touch feet. Yuk!!! Grosses me out when I see other people rubbing their own feet or someone else's. Ewwww
  • I hate touching bar soap scum...... seriously so gross
  • Y'all! One day for text question of the day you should ask what is your biggest irrational fear
  • I hate to touch that microfiber crap, that stuffs worse than cotton balls!!!
  • Newspapers
  • Random strands of hair, mine included. The other day though, my nephew-son came outside to have me remove a random strand of hair from his hand.
  • Apparently, he hasn't gotten the memo.
  • I would say cleaning out my wife's nasty hair out of the shower drain. Nothing more disgusting then slimy nasty hair that is left there overnight.
  • My daughter hates touching worms. She says they make her pee
  • I hate touching seaweed gross
  • I HATE the feel of lint balls on clothes or sheets. I have thrown away clothing I've only worn once because I couldn't shave it off. And I will only sleep on sheets of a certain thread count. As a kid, I'd lay my clothes on my sheets and sleep on top of them.
  • Dog slobber!!!! Gag!!

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