This is probably the nastiest #secrets segment we have ever done! Like seriously, this ish is gross. We had several of the #secrets we couldn't read on air, so we are giving them to you on YouTube! Some of them were so nasty that Intern Jenny refused to read them, so instead Steve took those. And one of those, Steve couldn't even bring himself to read, so he just did charades... Can you guess what he was talking about?

What’s a #secret about your gender that the other gender doesn’t know?

  • #secrets - The mental load that women carry at any given time (especially mothers) is FAR more than men. Women have a hard time living in the moment (juggling countless responsibilities) while men seem to have one-track minds. Help your wives out more, guys. We're exhausted.
  • #secrets Sometimes men are too lazy to stand and urinate, so we sit down. The things you know at 3 am.
  • Just because we are dudes doesn't mean that we all want balloon animals all the time. I get tired too, let me sleep, women. :P Ps. I love you Victoria :)
  • Secret: that we are physically capable of going to the ladies' room in a public place without a buddy.
  • Sister With A Brain - I have a freaky side
  • Women can and DO fake stuff but depends on how weird we're getting... 😂
  • every girl has farted as they started peeing. 😂
  • We don’t mean to look at your boobs when they are out there … but sometimes can’t help it. GOOD LORD
  • Men will never understand that 9 times out of ten women would way rather share deep conversations and topics with their best friends than them!
  • It’s not necessarily a secret but I have talked to many guys who had no idea about how girls will look out for each other in stores. So if a girl is shopping alone and there’s a “sketchy” guy talking to her... another girl will come up and make a scene and make it known that the 2 girls are together even if they aren’t!
  • My secret is that a have a huge thing for women's feet. Love the smell of them :)
  • We, women, know a lot of men don't wash their hands after using the bathroom and we find it disgusting.
  • If your guy and you have to ask. It didn't happen. #knowledgeiseverything #thebigO
  • Men will never understand how painful and special giving birth is. Or the motherly bond
  • #secrets: men also commonly feel uncomfortable walking home alone at night in a city
  • That the words yes dear, are not meant to be said sarcastically. We do know what we're talking about and are right 95% of the time so men need to just listen.
  • #secrets She’ll never tell you exactly how many men she's balloon animaled.
  • Shaving is literally the worst thing ever. We do it for you men. You think razor burn on your face is bad?
  • BROTHER IN PAIN - Just because I'm looking at my phone for a while doesn't mean I'm looking at naughty videos
  • When us women hold back with balloon animals it's not to punish you, men, it's because we don't like you at that moment
  • (FISH VERSION) #secrets I’m a farmer that works non stop. Sometimes My baskets are full while my female co-workers aren’t woman should try walking around with a LARGE zucchini around in there pants and have to try and hide like in school omg not easy
  • (ORIGINAL) #secrets women should try walking around with a LARGE zucchini around in their pants and have to try and hide like in school omg not easy)
  • I'm not sure if this is a known fact or not, but I'm a 23-year-old male, and I just found out last year that man bits sometimes float.
  • whether or not we utilize it man have a G spot as well as women. Massaging the prostate can feel as good or better to men as that special spot and women
  • When I started dating my wife, she as a woman didn't know that some of us like to be fisted and we squirt. It's not a myth. She had no clue that women are emotional...
  • Nasty alert....We like to swallow (vegetables) we only do it cuz we think it pleases you......#uggmenrgross

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