Hey family … it’s Fish. Good LORD is there a lot of cheating going on. During #Secrets yesterday we just had people send in the secrets that had gotten in the last week and the number of people that found out they had been cheated on was INSANE! After learning all of those secrets we had to find out why. That led us to today's …

Why did you cheat .. or why are you cheating?

  • The reason I cheated was I was dating a big baby but we were so comfortable with ourselves I kept going back to him and he kept taking me back
  • I've cheated after I've known that my ex-husband was cheating on me for years, and my self-esteem was so down I needed to feel good about myself. Bad excuse I know
  • Knowing someone is next is mentally cheating
  • I've been married for almost 19 years first couple years were awesome and then it dropped off and nothing for the whole year so I found a friend friends with benefits and I've been cheating on and off for about 6 years she didn't put out at home I'm going to find it as a friend she found out one time and forgave me we're still together but still don't have enough at home so I get it from a friend.
  • I haven't ever cheated, but I've been cheated on. I think people do it because they know their relationship is ending, but they're either in denial about it or they don't want to face the difficulty of being honest and ending the relationship.
  • I was exactly like Connie when I was young.... they are called strategically timed relationship shifts.
  • I cheated because he is blind. Not visually but emotionally
  • I never cheated, there's never a reason to cheat. Anyone who does this is a spineless
  • To answer ur? I have never cheated but I'm in the military and I know my wife of 8 years has cheated on me before when I was overseas I was gone a year at a time
  • In The 3 important relationships in my life, the men have cheated on me and I think that's what turned me into a cold-hearted biatch. I wish I had the guts to cheat so I could get revenge but I hate cheating
  • I cheated one time in my life out of spite and that was back when I was in high school in about 2008/2009 and ever since I cheated that one time I've bee n cheated on in every relationship ever since so I would have to say that was the worst mistake of my life because I feel like it is cursed the rest of my relationships
  • The reason I cheated was because I was in a rough patch and needed a change
    I've only ever cheated once in my life. I've been cheated on by all but one girlfriend. The time I cheated, it was because the girl I was "dating" would only want to be dating while she was drunk and then break up with me the next morning. Little did I know that THIS TIME SHE WAS SERIOUS...... also she cheated but that doesn't count cuz she was too drunk to remember we were dating.
  • I cheated because after 10 years of marriage, going through 3 different counselors for marriage counseling, and constantly telling my husband what I need ed from our marriage, he still didn't get it! I wanted to feel like I was important to him and I never felt like he really cared. I also wanted him to just follow through and do things he promised to do. It was easy to have an affair with someone who paid attention and cared for me. We are still married, we are on our fourth marriage counselor and I'm still miserable.
  • Connie, Fish, and Steve. I'm a polyamorous woman married to a man who SAYS he's monogamous. His actions, however, tell otherwise. The first half of our relationship he was a cheater. Recently, he has a major problem with adult movies.
  • So! I do what I want with no shame. I don't lie about my feelings.
  • I cheated due to pure selfishness, I had never been cheated on.. and had no idea the caliber of devastation that can come from it. Karma does rear its ugly head.
  • I cheated on my bf after being accused of it for 4 years even though I never thought about it till someone started to pay more attention to me. Never did tell him
  • I cheated because I met my boyfriend before I was completely over my ex or really completely convinced my previous relationship was over. It actually gave me the closure I needed
  • I'm a mental cheater!
  • Why do I cheat? Well, would you want to eat the same kind of cereal every day? No
  • I used to cheat because I had no understanding of real feelings. Now that I've been with my fiancé for four years I'd never imagined hurting him the way I 'm sure I've hurt others before. Crazy when you actually love someone how easy it is NOT to cheat.
  • Cheating is cowardly and there's no excuse for it. You're either loyal to someone or you get out.
  • Lol I guess I don't really count but I cheated on my girl because she can't date for a long time... its super depressing, but you guys cure my depression with depression
  • I have never cheated
  • But my ex-husband is married to my maid of honor from our wedding. Her ex-husband was overseas at the time... Even though I had kids and he didn't... I always felt worse for him. At least I was in the states to yell at them
  • I am not cheating but I wish I had the guts to do it. In my past, I wouldn't have an issue doing it. Now that I am older I don't do it. I have been in my relationship for almost 10 yrs and we have 2 beautiful babies. Getting accused daily sucks. I have absolutely no time to do anything. I work 3 jobs and raise my 2 babies.
  • I cheat all the time because our relationship started out as an open relationship. She ended up closing the open relationship and I continue on sleeping with other people
  • I've only cheated once. I was in a terrible relationship and an old boyfriend came back into the picture. We hung out and ended up kissing. I cried immediately after ‍♀️ then broke up with the current boyfriend the next day. Eventually got back with the old boyfriend I cheated with and then he ended up cheating on me multiple times. Karma I guess? They were both a-holes.
  • I've never cheated. Cheating is the worst thing to do to someone. I think it goes to lack of integrity, lack of respect, and poor self-respect. On the part of the cheater... And, if you cheat you do NOT LOVE... If you truly love... You'd NEVER cheat.
  • My ex-husband cheated (probably the whole time we were married) on me because he only married because we had a son and he was the military and needed someone to watch him. We were married 9 years!
  • I have never cheated but I had been cheated on. And the two times I know for sure the guys were caught by one of my brothers and my best friend. The one that was the worse was when I was gone for my military training and my best friend told me. worse feeling in the world when being told.
  • I found out my ex of 3 years was cheating on me after I ended it and I moved in with my new fiance. My fiance told me he has seen my ex-cheat because we all worked together at one point but I was on a different shift.
  • Today 5 years ago I was cheated on. I have never cheated on anyone and still to this day I don’t understand how people cheat. If you’re in a committed relationship you don’t cheat. Drinking isn’t an excuse
  • I needed to change the way I felt about myself. I needed to feel beautiful and desired. I don't regret it at all
  • I cheat on my diet because sweets are addictive
  • I'm a child of divorce and I honestly praise the lord that my parents ended their relationship. By doing that, I got to see an example of a real man who knows how to treat a woman instead of seeing the example of a piece of crap who hurts my mother
  • How about I be the only one with the balls, to be honest, today. I cheated cause I was being a selfish asshole. And so did all y'all. Pull it together ya bouches. Keep it 100 or go home. Have a great day! Love your show!
  • If you feel the need/desire to cheat, get a divorce! I found out my (now) ex-husband was cheating after he got his girlfriend pregnant. It would have been much easier, for so many people, if he had just divorced me!
  • I cheat because I caught my husband making out with my best friend on my couch on my birthday.
  • My ex not only cheated on me but our two children with our exchange student But because they "didn't have sex" or rather admit to it... it wasn't cheating. Oh, and he didn't serve any time. I've cheated on my boyfriend, he's absolutely an amazing boyfriend and would do anything for us but he is just absolutely AWFUL in bed.

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