If you were only allowed ONE VICE … which would you choose and why?

  • Spending money when I should be saving it I'm currently in nursing school but I just can't stop planning vacations and small weekend getaways lol
  • Can I choose Air conditioning? Is that a vice?? Cause mama gets mean and cranky when she’s hot and sweaty in this swampy heat!!!
  • 100 proof Southern Comfort. Only 2 shots and Im feeling no pain!
  • Dang what do I choose tacos, smoking, fountain diet coke or warm brownies.
  • Wine. Definitely wine! I can’t parent without it! Lol
  • Tough choice between beer,diet coke or smokes?
  • Coffee...its the only way to start my day!! ☕
  • Smoking, a pack a day, everyday
  • Ice cream. One vice with many different flavors
  • Fireball, definitely fireball.
  • Ice cream
  • Beer and shots of Jamieson
  • I'd like to smoke.
  • Coffee
  • Wine
  • Alcohol
  • Tacos
  • Candy
  • Wine
  • Chocolate!
  • My vice is tanning and I have already given it up about 3 years ago. Sunless tanning just isn't the same:( I miss it sooooo much!
  • My vice would be alcohol to deal with this virtual learning!!!!!
  • In the past, pornography was advice. It was not only unhealthy, but it also puts women in a negative light
  • SUGAR!I can control myself with other vices. Alcohol, gambling, drugs (just MJ), pornography (hmmm on 2nd thought), sex I have never had a problem with and can control...but sugar man. Thats one hell of a drug.
  • Im on a skittles binge right now. Ate over a pound of them in the last two days. Dont leave chocolate unattended around me. Ill eat that up and have no remorse.
  • Free candy in a bowl at so-and-so's office, or a shop or whatever...Yeah Im taking it. All of it unless you stop me.
  • As far as health Im perfectly healthy. Well thats according to my docotor, but who can trust those. Weight is fine. I excercise a lot.
  • But seriously anyone got any sugar?
  • Coke and salt and vinegar chips.
  • Food, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, no one to boink. So food is my stress relief and such.
  • Procrastination. If it absolutely doesn’t need doing now, I’m not doing it now.
  • Egregious amounts of caffeine. I mean, like, completely irresponsible levels of caffeine.
  • Mine would be live concerts!
  • I'd have to say my vise is also junk food!! I love eating things that are not great for the body!! But YOLO so who cares!!
  • TQOTD. Wine, wine, wine. It tastes delightful and it gives me the warm fuzzy buzzies. Can't drink...stupid meds.
  • Mine would be rainbow balloon animals, I love my man way to much
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