In 5 Words Or Less Describe Your Family? – #TQOTD
With Thanksgiving right around the corner it's time to tell us what you think about your family. There is a catch though, you have to do it in 5 words or less.
In 5 words or less describe your family?
- #TQOYD: Divided by fears of covid
- Crazy AF
- Dysfunctional group that avoids confrontation.
- Dysfunctional, not worth my time
- One big cluster fluck
- Obnoxiously dysfunctional.
- It is an extreme level of WTF-ness that I rarely witness elsewhere.
- Christian, loyal, hardworking, friendly, grateful.
- Loud, loud, quiet, quiet, mute.
- A whole lotta loose screws!
- The nut doesn't go far.
- Standing by trailer trash identities
- Eating, drinking, loving, hardworking, perfect
- Soooooo great
- Perfectly imperfect!
- Keep away! Keep away! Aaaahhh!
- Brady and Rogers fans.
- People I often deny knowing
- A total f-ing dysfunctional disaster
- People that share my DNA
- Amazing, funny, loving, and handful!
- Big, loud, perfect, and loving
- Love for each other
- Crazy bunch of loving nuckleheads.
- How about 5 leters: F.U.B.A.R.
- We are an interesting bunch.
- Dependable.
- Crazy AF
- UGH!!!!
- A pain in the ass
- Oh boy
- Weirdos out weirdoing each other lol
- Ex Jehovah's Witnesses hateful POS’S
- Psycho Chakita Nut Cases ...♀️
- My family is “bat s@#$ crazy but fun”
- Question of the day - best family to be in!
- Slightly dysfunctional, with genuine love.
- TQOTD: Mentally unstable but still loving
- Imperfect Multi Functional Dictatorship (I’m the dictator)
- ?of da day..... Over eaters anonymous ,flipping drunks
- Text message of the Day.......”brother’s wife holds his balls”
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