A man on Reddit hatched a plan to prove to his girlfriend that her male best friend wants to be more than just friends after he rubbed him the "wrong way."

"He's that dude that every dude can tell is just after his woman but she doesn't see it and responds with, 'He's just a friend,'" the frustrated man began.

In order to prove to his girlfriend that her friend wants to be more than friends, he set up a clever test.

"I dared her to call him on speaker and ask him, 'If she were single would he be with her and why hadn't he ever made a move?' He immediately responded that of course he'd be with her if she was single and the only reason he had never made a move was because he 'never really saw the opportunity... yet,'" the boyfriend recalled.

Following the call, however, his girlfriend got upset with him and accused him of "ruining her friendship" with the other man.

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Users rallied behind the man in the comments section, with many sympathizing with the situation his girlfriend is now in.

"It’s difficult to go through this. The person who was right feels justified that they were right and also like a complete jerk for having said anything at all. The person who was wrong feels furious for having been wrong and like an idiot for listening to the person who was right because now their world is upside down. This is going to sound completely insane, but the fact that she’s angry at you and you know it is a good thing," one person wrote.

"She’s going through the stages of grief. He just died to her," another shared.

"It's just such a betrayal. It hurts so much. I'm glad you're here to get perspective instead of just getting defensive back and leaning into your point hard. You're a good boyfriend, she's lucky to have you," someone else weighed in.

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Gallery Credit: Jessica Norton

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