There are a lot of shampoo options out there for dogs in Michigan, but one, in particular, could possibly be fatal if it isn't used as it's properly instructing you to.

Dr. Bronners is a great soap company that has so many uses in one bottle, it's one of the most popular soap brands. However, one of their bottles has an ingredient that is incredibly toxic to dogs, and the bottle suggests you can use it to wash them.

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The bottle is their Tea Tree Oil shampoo bottle, which shows instructions on how to use it to wash your dog. However, tea tree oil is INCREDIBLY toxic for dogs.


PetMD broke down the safety measures when it comes to dogs and how toxic tea tree oil is to them:

Pure tea tree oil is not safe for dogs. In fact, as little as seven drops of 100% tea tree oil has caused poisoning in dogs. Amounts as little as 10–20 milliliters have caused death in dogs and cats, according to the Pet Poison Helpline.

However, they do share how using products like Dr. Bronners, safely and according to the directions, won't bring them harm:

However, some veterinary products do contain tea tree oil in small (and safe!) amounts, such as shampoo/conditioners, ear wash, grooming wipes, and spot-on oils. Products containing tea tree oil concentrations less than 1–2% are generally considered non-toxic for dogs—if the product is used exactly as the label instructs.

It's important if you are using Dr. Bronners soap, you dilute it exactly as they instruct, but to be safe, from one dog owner to the other, stay away from their Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus, Lavender and other dangerous & toxic ingredients for dogs.

shampoo when it comes to your dog. Here are some others that are safe:

The Most Vicious Dogs You NEVER Want To Encounter in Michigan

There are some dog breeds that are very vicious and you can tell just by looking at them that they're a threat. For your safety, if you see any of these, please send them my way.

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