Michigan is known for both the warm and awesome beauty of its summers with hundreds of beaches to take in the beautiful weather, but is also well known for the beauty of its winters as well.

But there is a local legend who was born and raised in the upper peninsula who, whether it’s sun, rain, or snow has no problem getting out on the Great Lakes and surfing, even if it’s in the dead of winter.

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That’s what the local legend Dan Schetter, also known as Surfer Dan can be found doing, even during the harsh storms. Vice recently did a video series which featured him and his friend Al, who has one of the most epic ice beards of all time.

Daniel lives in Marquette in the Upper Peninsula where he was raised and can regularly be seen on Lake Superior braving the elements to do something he truly loves. One of the things Dan loves the most about what he does is the mystery behind the Great Lakes, as he told Vice:

We can’t see the bottom of the lake. We don’t really know what’s in there, we think we know it’s in there. I know the ocean has way more life in it, it’s older and everything, but there’s also mysteries in the lake. There are magic beings, there’s folklore, there’s grandfather turtle at the bottom of the lake moving around.

This man has way more courage than I ever could, and because of that, I hope the ice beard in his heart, never melts.

West Michigan Ice Storm Brings Beauty & Carnage To Kalamazoo

The first thing I witnessed this morning was a loud "CRACK" then turning my head to see a tree limb snap off and fall to the ground. It gets so cold and heavy once the ice absorbs into the wood that the limbs just can't take the pressure from the weight and will snap

Gallery Credit: Mark Frankhouse TSM

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