Winters in Michigan can be downright freezing. And when that's the case, stuff can literally get frozen, even if it's in your car.

You car might provide some protection against the elements; shielding from sun, snow, rain, and more. However, the outdoor temperatures directly affect your car. So... if it's freezing outside, it's likely freezing in your car.

Have you ever left a pop can in the freezer? Yeah, you probably learned the hard way, didn't you? That kind of stuff can leave a real mess in your car if left there this winter.

But, it's not just "stuff" Michiganders shouldn't leave behind. Take a look at ten things you shouldn't leave in your car when it's freezing in Michigan.


Photo via Canva
Photo via Canva

This may seem like a duh, thing to say, but you shouldn't leave people in the car in freezing temperatures. Especially, if they are babies or the elderly. Hypothermia can set in quicker than you realize.


Dog sleeping on snow in a park. Cold winter.
Remus Rigo

Pets, just like humans, can suffer from hypothermia, and die. Do not leave pets in the car in the winter.


Brian Chase

Wildly varying temperatures (extreme heat or cold) can affect medications, making them less effective, or downright dangerous. Make sure to keep your meds on you when you're traveling, and never leave them in the car.

Cell Phones & Other Electronics


Cell phones and other electronics that use Lithium-ion batteries are a big no-no to leave in a freezing car. Best case scenario, it drains your battery life. Worst case scenario, that electronic stops working altogether.

A Low Gas Tank

Photos via Canva
Photos via Canva

If you're the type of person who waits until the little gas tank light comes on to let you know that you're almost empty, you should try to stay on top of that in the winter. It will help prevent your fuel lines from freezing. Not to mention, you don't want to run out of gas in the middle of frigid temps or a snow storm.

Pop Cans & Other Carbonated Beverages

Photo by McConnell Adams
Photo by McConnell Adams

Pop, beer, seltzer water... if it's carbonated, that means it's under pressure. And if left in your car during freezing temperatures, the water in those beverages is going to expand. But, since it's under pressure, the only way for it to expand... is to explode. So unless you want to clean sticky pop or beer from your car's interior, be sure to bring that in.

Canned Foods

calimedia // Shutterstock
calimedia // Shutterstock

Canned foods are also under pressure. If frozen, the contents of the cans can become spoiled, and that food is no longer good to eat.

Musical Instruments

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Musical instruments are often times made from wood and metal, which can expand and contract in extreme heat in cold. To protect your instrument and its sound quality, remember to bring it inside from the cold.


Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aerosols, like hair spray, are contents under pressure.Which, don't do well in extreme temperatures.


Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Your lenses and frames can be sensitive to the extreme temperatures. If it's cold enough, your glasses could break.

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