I don't know why they surprise me every year. The same thing happens every fall just like clockwork.

One minute I'm oohing and ahhing the beautiful autumn colors, enjoying the crisp fall air, and then boom - there they are. The snow stakes.

SEE ALSO: First Snow Predictions for 25 Michigan Cities

Just like they do every year, they popped up last week around the parking lot at work again like some pesky weed that won't go away. It's like they mock me - "Winter's coming, and you're not ready." Annoying little things.

Here are three ways snow stakes manage to suck the last little bit of fall cheer out of me every single year.

Snow Stakes Ruin My Fall Vibe

Why do snow stakes have to show up so soon? Spirit Halloween is barely even closed. There hasn't even been a single snowflake yet, and yet these things are already planning for the next big Michigan blizzard.

Snow Stake
Snow stakes are a subtle reminder that winter is close for Michigan. Photo via JR, Townsquare Media Lansing

Seeing them already staked in the ground makes it impossible to enjoy what's left of fall. They force me to think of my big, bulky winter coat instead of just running out the door in a flannel shirt. Thanks so much, snow stakes.

Snow Stakes Make Me Feel Like I've Failed to Prepare

Early snow stakes remind me of that smart kid in school who whizzed through the test and slapped it on the teacher's desk first, knowing full well she was going to get a "100".

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It's like they're silently judging me for not being ready for winter yet. No, I haven't gotten my snow tires yet. No, I don't have any de-icer in my Jeep. No, I don't know where my gloves are. Stop looking at me that way.

Snow stake
Another pesky snow stake. Photo via JR, Townsquare Media Lansing

Fine. You're ready for winter, and I'm not. Happy now?

Snow Stakes Signal Five Straight Months of Salt and Slush

Finally, these stakes remind me of how gross the parking lot at work is about to be. It's not just the snow I dread; it's the salt everywhere, the constant slush puddles, and never being able to see where the parking lot lines actually are anymore. Just gray, and gloom, and doom. Who thinks that's a good time?

So the snow stakes are up.

SEE ALSO: Here's Why This Winter May Be Snowier Than Usual in Michigan

I'll growl at them under my breath and try to focus on the leaves that haven't yet fallen and enjoy these last few mornings where I don't need a jacket.

The snow stakes may be ready for winter. But I'm not.

Earliest First Snowfall Dates for Michigan Cities

Snow doesn't typically begin to pile-up in most of Michigan until November or December, but not all years are typical. Here's a look at the earliest snowfall ever recorded for several Michigan cities, according to ExtremeWeatherWatch.com.

Gallery Credit: jrwitl

Snow Rollers: Michigan Snow Removal, 1800s-1900s

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