You wouldn't like Michiganders when they're angry...

I'd like to think that as a whole, Michiganders are pretty laid back people. But while we may be laid back, and sure, maybe we're really friendly too, we will not hesitate to get upset if and when the situation calls for it.

7 Things That Would Upset Michiganders to Their Core

Maybe if you hail from a different state, these things wouldn't bother you so much, but for a Michigander, these would be the worst things ever.

Here are seven things that, if they ever came to be, would absolutely upset and shake Michiganders to their core.

7. When people forget about the Upper Peninsula.

Upper Peninsula Mislabeled as Canada
Canva / Marquette Today via Facebook

We get it, our state is broken up into two separate pieces. Get over it. And for Pete sake, stop giving away the Upper Peninsula to Canada and Wisconsin.

6. Mispronouncing "Mackinac"

If you say "Mack-i-nack" instead of "Mack-i-naw", you might get some weird looks your way.

5. Saying Chicago style pizza is better than Detroit Style pizza

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Perhaps you just don't have taste buds, but Detroit style pizza is clearly superior to any soggy, gross Chicago style pizza any day.

4. Slandering our Great Lakes

They're called "Great" for a reason. Plus, they are salt and shark free. Win, win.

3. Disparaging our awesome sports teams

Getty Images
Getty Images

Maybe not all our teams are doing great all at the same time, but Detroit is home to some fantastic legacy sports teams.

2. Saying ANYTHING about Ohio is better than Michigan

Eww... enough said.

1. If Faygo decided to discontinue Rock & Rye pop

Faygo did this as an April Fool's Day joke in years past, and we all collectively died for a second.

The Top 10 Items on Michigan's Bucket List

These are the top ten things that make it onto the Michigander bucket list.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

20 Things Michigan Doesn't Need More Of

I've had enough. And honestly, as a fellow Michigander, I'm sure you have too. Here are 20 things our state doesn't need any more of.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

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