The summer heat is starting to arrive in West Michigan, and if you're like me you find yourself closing those windows and cranking the air conditioning in hopes that you can finally chill out. Because, let's be honest- no one wants to sweat through their shirt all summer long.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

You may want to watch where you set that thermostat during a peak period of the day, or it could cost you significantly. DTE reminded us earlier this week that we are back into peek energy surge season, and running that AC could cost you extra.

Starting on June 1st through September 30th, you electricity will cost extra between the hours of 3pm and 7pm, to help offset the large strain on our grid caused from high electric usage during those hours.

Olivier Le Moal/ThinkStock/GettyStock
Olivier Le Moal/ThinkStock/GettyStock

Since it's hottest during those hours, our air conditioners tend to hog a lot of the power. So, DTE raises the rates during the summer to offset their cost, and to encourage people (for a lack of better words) to chill out with how much A/C they're using.

During the non-peak months, you're paying around 18.09¢ per kWh while in summer, the rate spikes 22.40¢ per kWh. While a few cents may not seem like much, they add up quickly when you're struggling to keep your place cool.

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So, what can you do to keep your rates down? Experts recommend trying to use blackout or dark curtains in rooms you have trouble with keeping cool. Running fans, keeping windows and doors closed, and trying to turn the temperate down slightly on your AC can all help. Also check to make sure you have no window leaks or drafts, to hopefully keep that cool air inside.

Thermostat - Degree
Getty Images/iStockphoto

But- don't turn off your A/C during that time because the power it would take to cool your place off again, will cost you more than leaving it alone would have. Instead, try taking a degree or two off to help your A/C unit to "chill" with how much it's working overtime to keep up.

So good luck this summer with keeping your bill on the more affordable levels. We're all feeling it, heat (and moneywise) when it comes to those summertime electric bill blues.

Helpful Tips to Help You Save Money

Everyone is struggling to save money right now here is a look at things you can do to help keep some of that money you earned.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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