Other Than A Person Or A Pet… What Thing Do You Wish You Could Have With You At All Times? – #TQOTD
Yesterday was a very momentous day in the history of United States and North Korea relations. President Donald Trump met with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un to discuss our Text Question of the Day... or international diplomacy and denuclearization. But the big story of the day was that Kim Jong Un brought his own toilet along with him. Which made us think "what thing do you wish you could bring with you everywhere you go?"
Other than a person or a pet … what THING do you wish you could have with you at ALL times???
- TQOTD: Since we are already on the topic. One thing that I wish I could have with me all the time is mental health.
- I'm 30 and wish I could have my yellow baby blanket with me all the time
- My yellow baby blanket has been with me since I was a baby. I used to take it everywhere with me. It is my favorite blanket. I sleep with it on my bed every night right under my pillows. It gives me, even more, comfort at night while I sleep next to my significant other. Its an added security thing for me at night
- A bottle of Moscotto
- #TQOTD I want coffee with me at all times. Coffee Coffee Coffee!
- I need my Connie and Fish in the morning uninterrupted!!
- Y'all, I would keep all my books with me all the time. I always have at least one so why not just all of them?! I obviously love to read 🙈
- Qoftheday: Energy! Ever since I started my job, I've had to scrape at the bottom of the barrel to be able to do things I love.
- #tqotd if I could take something everywhere with me, it would be my camera.
- An unlimited supply of money
- CHOCOLATE!!! Need I say more? Betty
- My baby blanket... I would wear it like a poncho!! It's my happy place. Ps- I'm almost 30 😂
- I would bring my teddy bear Bobby with me! I've had him since I was 3 days old and he sleeps with me every night. He would go everywhere with me when I was younger, so why not at 24 years old too!
- My amazing memory foam bed and pillow!! The only thing I miss when I'm away from my house!
- I would love to have water with me!
- Daily Planner. I feel so lost without it.
- Wish I could have Connie and fish with me everyday all day
- I like to workout and seriously into fitness, so I wish I could take dumbbell with me all the time 💪😅 - Kamal ( Himalayas, Nepal)
- I would want Fish with me at all time, laughter is the medicine
- A bag of Doritos
- I would bring my pillow with me all the time!!
- #tqod..... ARBYS!!!! Still on my mind since yesterday!
- #tqotd coffee cigarette and my phone
- My phone lol #tqotd
- My bed lol
- A stack of money or a prepaid credit card with no limit so I never miss an opportunity like a concert ticket, event Or anything I want or to do.
- I'm not going anywhere without my Newport's and diet dew
- My bowl
- Something I wish I had on me all the time is my Chapstick. I'm always forgetting it
- My bed
- Hey guys! For the text question of the day I would love to have my fishing pole and tackle box with me 24/7
- Text question: my .45 caliber handgun.
- My cellphone.
- Beer! Lots of beer!
- To have with me at all times boatloads of money
- A stove, so I can cook fresh food all day
- Long Island iced tea 🍺 I'm not an alcoholic, I promise! lol!!
- #TQOTD I wish I could take my phone with me everywhere so I can listen to Connie and Fish whenever I want. Oh wait, I already do! 😜 #streaming #OutOfState #CliqueOfSix
- My yoga pants!
- I wish I had a million dollars on me at all times...I could help so many people
- 😀A fifth of fireball. Or cheese
- TIME !!!! I always find myself without any of it
- Sunshine. So I can tan whenever I have free time throughout the day.
- Earplugs. All. The. Time.
- I would like the have Exact Change with me at all times! #neverbroke
- I would want unlimited fruity sangria.
- Weed
- Lipstick because it makes me look glorious
- I wish I could have a GLORIOUS never-ending supply of Taco Bell with me at all times!!!
- A shaver! Because there is always a patch you forget to shave... or when you get cold and boom your legs are prickly!
- Ice cream
- Get out of jail free card.