When you look for a place to move into you, you consider location, cost, space and safety. What about the moving out? A local landlord gives us a look at what he deals with when renters leave.
There has been, and continues to be, a lot of construction for new apartments in Downtown Grand Rapids but for the most part they're either luxury apartments with a higher rent or apartments only available to low-income renters.
However, there soon could be apartments available for the middle-class...
Moving’s an adventure, or so everyone keeps telling me. I’m kind of ready for the adventure to be over, I think. I moved to Grand Rapids April 22, but officially moved in yesterday, May 2nd!
Trust me it’s not been all bad. I spent a few nights at a hotel over around 28th and I-96 then moved downtown for the rest of the time and it was cool...
Here in Grand Rapids, a two-bedroom apartment can go as low as $500 a month, with ample living space. In New York City, two bedrooms cost so much more.
Just look at Grayson Altenberg's apartment in Manhattan; Grayson pays $1,100 a month to rent an apartment that's less than 100 square feet...