
Scrumptious Cupcakes
Scrumptious Cupcakes
Scrumptious Cupcakes
Scrumptious Cakes and Sweetery does not yet have a storefront location, so Dessert Wars is a chance to set up shop for a couple of hours and share its creative sweetness. Its owner, Betsy Denham, is bringing some Scrumptious-made deliciousness from her incubator kitchen at the Grand Rapids Downtown Market to the Thursday night event at Amway Grand Plaza hotel's Ambassador Ballroom in Grand Rapids
Love's Ice Cream & Vegan Gelato
Love's Ice Cream & Vegan Gelato
Love's Ice Cream & Vegan Gelato
Pardon the pun, but Love's Ice Cream & Vegan Gelato is ready to scoop out for Dessert Wars. Chris McKellar, who founded and owns the Grand Rapids Downtown Market establishment, stopped in with Channel 95.7's "Connie and Curtis" to share the scoops this morning. The visit came ahead of Dessert Wars, which is Thursday night at Amway Grand Plaza hotel's Ambassador Ballroomin downtown Gr
Connie and Curtis Talk Dessert Wars on Fox 17 [Video]
Connie and Curtis Talk Dessert Wars on Fox 17 [Video]
Connie and Curtis Talk Dessert Wars on Fox 17 [Video]
It's no secret that Connie and Curtis love desserts. As if you couldn't figure that out listening to them discussing Dessert Wars on Channel 95.7's "Connie and Curtis." Dessert Wars is 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Amway Grand Plaza hotel's Ambassador Ballroom in downtown Grand Rapids. They shared the tastiness of Dessert Wars on WXMI-TV Fox 17 on Monday.
Sprinkles Donut Shop
Sprinkles Donut Shop
Sprinkles Donut Shop
Sprinkles Donut Shop just had its grand opening Jan. 31, but owner Gary VanderStelt is making extra time to take part in Dessert Wars. The VanderStelt family-operated Hudsonville bakery and sweet shop brought in some yummy cupcakes, donuts and baked goods for Channel 95.7's "Connie and Curtis" to sample this morning. The visit came ahead of Dessert Wars, which is Thursday night at Amway
JK's Bakehouse & Deli
JK's Bakehouse & Deli
JK's Bakehouse & Deli
Dessert Wars is a big deal for JK's Bakehouse & Deli. It's such a big deal that JK's owners, Jodi Rademaker and Kathy Timmer, are closing their Holland shop for the day Thursday to get ready for the Thursday night event at Amway Grand Plaza hotel's Ambassador Ballroom in Grand Rapids.
Sara’s Sweets Bakery Is Shushing About What It’s Bringing for Dessert Wars
Sara’s Sweets Bakery Is Shushing About What It’s Bringing for Dessert Wars
Sara’s Sweets Bakery Is Shushing About What It’s Bringing for Dessert Wars
Sara's Sweets Bakery is preparing something secret -- it's under wraps for now -- for Dessert Wars. The Grand Rapids-based bakery is a returnee for Dessert Wars, which is 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Amway Grand's Ambassador Ballroom in downtown Grand Rapids. Cupcakes are a big part of the menu at Sara's, with Snickers, chocolate peanut butter and almond cupcakes brought in on a visit with Chan
Channel 95.7's Hot 2014 Topics
Channel 95.7's Hot 2014 Topics
Channel 95.7's Hot 2014 Topics
It never hurts to take a look back, right? Well, then: Check out Channel 95.7's hottest topics for 2014. These were all determined by you, at least through your online visits to Channel 95.7.
Christmas Party!!
Christmas Party!!
Christmas Party!!
The atmosphere was festive, fun and fashionable on Friday night for Connie & Curtis' Christmas Party. Channel 95.7 and Celebration! Cinema presented Connie & Curtis Christmas Party at Celebration Cinema! Grand Rapids North's Wave Room in Grand Rapids. The...
'It's... Mapley'
'It's... Mapley'
'It's... Mapley'
The challenge for Curtis for the "Connie & Curtis" "Elf" Contest was to see how much Mrs. Butterworth's maple syrup he could chug in 95.7 seconds on Channel 95.7's "Connie and Curtis." So, how much could he chug?

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