
Michigan-Shaped Morel for $10K
Michigan-Shaped Morel for $10K
Michigan-Shaped Morel for $10K
Morel season is underway and the mushroom is a big part of Michigan. So big that a Manistee Man is selling one on eBay for $10,000!! Why so much? Because it's shaped like the great state of Michigan. Lance Miller describes the fungus on his page as: Roughly 2...
Mom Convinces Son He Bought A $50,000 Car On eBay [Video]
Mom Convinces Son He Bought A $50,000 Car On eBay [Video]
Mom Convinces Son He Bought A $50,000 Car On eBay [Video]
We all make mistakes. Sometimes, we like to try and cover up those mistakes. Sometimes we think we made a mistake and try (and fail) to cover that up. Which is what happened to the little boy in this video. His mom decided to have a little bit of fun with his (almost) purchase of a $50,000 car on eBay. I kind of feel bad for the kid. See what happened after the jump!

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