
Makeup Tutorials
Makeup Tutorials
Makeup Tutorials
I am admittedly terrible at being “girly”. I don’t even like that word. I mean, aren’t I being “girly” by being, you know, female? Anyway, I’ve never been big on makeup. Oh, there was a time when I worked for one of our sister stations (who plays rock music) where I wore far too much black eyeliner and eye shadow, but thankfully that time was short-lived.
Wendy Gives A Makeup Tutorial – Sort Of [Video]
Wendy Gives A Makeup Tutorial – Sort Of [Video]
Wendy Gives A Makeup Tutorial – Sort Of [Video]
I am admittedly terrible at being "girly". I don't even like that word. I mean, aren't I being "girly" by being, you know, female? Anyway, I've never been big on makeup. Oh, there was a time when I worked for one of our sister stations (who plays rock music) where I wore far too much black eyeliner and eye shadow, but thankfully that time was short-lived. My daily beauty regime
Shocking ‘Crash Course’ Tutorial Reminds Us Not To Makeup and Drive
Shocking ‘Crash Course’ Tutorial Reminds Us Not To Makeup and Drive
Shocking ‘Crash Course’ Tutorial Reminds Us Not To Makeup and Drive
I'm totally guilty of applying makeup and driving. I know, it's a terrible habit! How can I possibly pay full attention to the road when I'm dabbing on bronzer and brushing out my lashes? The next time I'm running behind and feel like I gotta put my face on while driving, I'll think of this video. The YouTube sensation Nikkie teaches us more than just sweet makeup tricks in this "Nikkie Tutor
High School Bans Makeup and Removes Mirrors
High School Bans Makeup and Removes Mirrors
High School Bans Makeup and Removes Mirrors
I'm pretty minimalistic when it comes to makeup. I'll tell you what though, I look like a freak without mascara; with blonde-tipped lashes, it's just mandatory. I don't think I'd take it too well if any authority figure told me I couldn't wear makeup-- especially back  in high school, when I first realized my eyelash problem. Recently, a high school in Britian did ban makeup and even went so far a