Michigan State Police Says 3,250 THC lab reports may be wrongMichigan State Police Says 3,250 THC lab reports may be wrongMichigan State Police Says 3,250 THC lab reports may be wrong due to a discrepancy in the lab.Lisha BLisha B
West Michigan Cannabis Expo Returns To Deltaplex In September 2021West Michigan Cannabis Expo Returns To Deltaplex In September 2021After missing 2020 due to...well...you know, the West Michigan Cannabis Expo is set to return to the Deltaplex in September.Ken EvansKen Evans
Short’s Brewing Coming Out with Beer-Flavored EdiblesShort’s Brewing Coming Out with Beer-Flavored EdiblesIt even includes Soft Parade edibles.ChristineChristine
Mayor Of Holland Says THC Edibles Make People Jump Off BalconiesMayor Of Holland Says THC Edibles Make People Jump Off BalconiesA video clip on Facebook shows her explanation. Rob SparksRob Sparks