It's weird to see that it's closer to drive to other state capitals than it is to the one you live in, but it's true. Also a great reminder on just how big the mitten state is.
Michiganders for the most part are nice and welcoming people. We have a Midwestern hospitality but we also can get feisty if you piss us off. That's something you want to avoid.
Think of this as a guide as to what not to do/say in front of someone from Michigan...
Words are a universal thing that have universal definitions, but sometimes depending on where you are in the world those words can have completely different meanings.
Michigan is a unique place with many things that make us stick out from the rest of the country, including certain words...
We just recently had a dusting of snow here in Grand Rapids, so the heavy stuff is soon to be here over the next few weeks. Driving for sure will be terrible and we will have accidents everywhere. Driving in the snow can be dangerous, but it reminds us, how we turn left in Michigan in the winter.