What Do You #Secretly Wish You Could Change About Yourself? – Connie and Fish TV
This #Secrets video is the last one we will ever do with Intern Jenny and the last one we before we go on vacation. So enjoy Jenny's last #secrets video and wish her luck in the real world! The theme for today is changing yourself. You can change anything about yourself and it will happen with a snap of the finger!
So, What do you #secretly wish you could change about yourself?
- I'd change the serotonin levels my brain produces ??
- I wish I could change that I am so insecure. I'm a great person with a lot to offer and I check off a lot of boxes but I'm really insecure which has a negative impact on my marriage sometimes as well as my friendships and it sucks.
- I wish I could change a lot but the big one right now is that I was better with money so my husband and I could go on the Connie and Fish trip.... super jealous of all of you. Still trying to make it to one of those places to enter to win. #supersad
- Snap my fingers n I would have New teeth
- #Secrets...I would erase having a chronic illness to go back to being a more independent person. Nothing worse than feeling like you lose your independence over time.
- I wish that I could change my first impression that I have on people, even though I try not to, people think that I am just a bitch! #peopleIamjustfreakingshy
- Wish I could snap and all my insecurities would be gone. And I would be confident
I wish I had no allergies! This year has been the worst with the smog from the wildfires - #secrets I wish when I was a kid I was never abused physically and emotionally I'm getting better but that trams still lingers around 25 years later
- Secretly I wish I could change that I'm so defensive.
- I wish I could be more of a bitch. I'm too kind-hearted and get taken advantage of a lot.
- What I would change about myself is I would get rid of my rosacea.
- I wish I could make it to where I don't have bladder cancer or cirrhosis of the liver
- One thing I secretly want to change about myself is to be less of an introvert. I like people but meeting new people is really hard being an introvert. I never know the right thing to say and it ends up being super awkward. On a good note, I haven't died from meeting new people and neither did they. Lol
- Not 1 thing. I KNOW I'm not perfect, I'm overweight, I speak my mind and don't sugar coat but you know what I am who I am and even tho you either love me or hate me I like me
- I would change my health for the better and the ability to lose weight and to not feel like a burden to. Everyone... I got hurt at work doing what I was told a month ago and have restrictions for another month I just got cussed out because I didn't have good news from my dr...
- Secretly I wish I didn't hate ALL people.
- I wish I could change my mindset about myself.
- I wish that I loved to work out
- That I didn't care about peoples opinions as much
- My confidence
- Secretly wish I could change how much money I make
- I wish I was more interesting and desirable to women
- #Secrets: The one thing I want to change is my cholesterol levels.
- Secretly wishing I was fatter - was always known as the 'twig' guy
- The one thing that I wish I could change about myself is I wish I had met my current wife 20 years ago.
- I wish I could change my weight
- I'd like to ditch the frogging anxiety..... and about 15 lbs
- I wish I could change the fact that I'm such a stubborn a hole. Been in an argument with my spouse for 5 days now. Neither of us will give in... ??
- I would change the fact that I do not have a sex drive at all 43-year-old woman who hasn't had a really good sex drive in about 10 years. Currently trying to lose weight make myself feel better hoping maybe if I lose some weight and be more confident and feel more comfortable with myself. Have a very supportive husband he is amazing he stuck by me with all the issues that I have I just feel bad for him.
- One, I would love to win that trip. So I can go hang out with Connie n Fish what I would change is to be smarter and stay in my last relationship instead of going back to my crazy ex-girlfriend. We've talked about her many times.
- I secretly wish I was as strong as my family thinks I am ......# secrets
- My I.Q. is a problem. It's ok sometimes, but I over-think everything. I am rarely wrong and others avoid me because of it. They ought not to be jealous, it's a curse
- I wish that I didn't look so young. People think that it's such a great thing but I am 29 years old and I realistically look like I'm about 20. I would love to be able to grow professionally but it's impossible because I'm also petite blonde and it just works against me in every way shape and form... I know I know nobody wants to hear about the poor skinny white girl that looks young. *sarcasm*
- Anonymous, please... I wish I could stop gambling won last night really needed it because I'm homeless but then lost it back... grrr stupidity bad addiction
- Good morning ?? I WISH I had back dimples! When I was younger I used to press my thumbs into my lower back to try and make them. (It didn't work)
- I secretly (but not so secretly) wish I could be more patient with my son. He's a 7-year-old tornado with ADHD, impulsivity and he's 100% boy! He has an amazing talent for pushing my buttons, and I find myself saying things that I never thought I'd have to say to another human!!!! Things like "take the dead grasshoppers out of your backpack" or "please take your hands out of your pants!" I love him dearly, but my patients does not runneth over
- #secrets I wish I knew how to flirt and be comfortable when a stranger tries cheesy pickup lines or even asks, "how are you tonight?" When I go out with my girlfriends I see them talk to guys and I'm chanting in my head, "please no one talk to me please no one talk to me" - was there a class that taught this that I missed somewhere in life? I'm 40 and I still just don't get it.
- I have a 3rd nipple and I'm a 28-year-old woman and I hate it!
- I really need a unit reduction. #DefinitelyNOTSteve
- I wish I could change my body easier/ lose weight faster and easier, I wish I could change the way my teeth look and all of my insecurities!
- I wish I could shut off my brain and the anxiety that my divorce and custody battle has caused me along with the rest of life~ I'm tougher than that bs.... ??
- I'd change my addiction
- I secretly wish I could change my marital status, by the way, good morning you guys you guys are great
- I secretly wish I could change my husband's attitude in the morning
- People can change their weight now!! Be healthy, be active. Simple solution :)
- I want to change me and be someone else, I dont like me
- I wish I could lose 50 pounds, work out, and stop smoking. But life is still good!
- I would change my affinity for highly inappropriate jokes at the worst times.
- I wish I could change the way I am to my wife and son to know that I could be a better father and husband because nobody Is perfect Not saying im a bad husband or father lol just know I could be better and maybe help my golf game :)
- I would change that I am still in love with a man I have been with for a year and a half....and 2 weeks ago he stopped taking my calls. He randomly texts me how much he still loves me but won't give me any answers. Would love to be able to let go.
- I wish I could stop interrupting people. I have 7 brothers and sisters and it was hard to get heard. Wait Fish, what I'm trying to say isn't that I talk too much, just at the wrong time cuz I already know what people are going to say so I answer in the middle of it.
- I get rid of my baby belly fat after having three 10 pound baby boy's