What Is Your Prison Nickname? – #TQOTD
OK, you just got thrown in the slammer and now you need that sweet sweet prison nickname. What do the other inmates decide to call you?
Hypothetical… you go to prison. Once everybody meets you, what nickname do they give you?
- TQOTD: probably Goody Goody, don't know what landed me in prison but my swearing is pretty lame so I would be telling people to watch their language. ❤️
- My prison name would be Lil mute! Why because I'm always quiet, I like staying silent that's how I'd survive prison!! Lol
- Gully (I'm pretty gullible)
- ? Of dah day, Crazy Candy girl. Cuz ,Iam crazy and I like to horde candy but will give it up . I mean the candy. Lol.
- I would have the nickname Spaz I'm super hyper and can't contain myself a lot.
- The German Ginger, which sounds scarier than it is.
- Mother Trucker
- Mother
- Little Debbie Snack Cake
- Probably Scaredy Cat!!
- Cupcake
- Big billy
- "that guy who keeps trying to make up his own nickname"
- Dungeon Master. I don't know about you, but I'm running a DnD campaign to combat the boredom.
- The Butcher. Or the Fairy. Could go either way
- Man-boobs
- sparkle farts
- I was a guard and my nickname was pillow fight
- Sweet Chilli Girl
- Red, probably. As a ginger that seems to be everyone's go-to
- Smiling girl because my smile makes people think i am guilty of something
- Clementine. Nobody is going to mess with a guy who survives in prison with a name like Clementine. Plus clementines are the best fruit.
- Boaty McBoatface
- Funny chubby bunny or FCB for short
- Shawty or Mouth
- Shorty
- Smiley
- Bait.
- Bad Ass Butt Sister
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