What’s The Worst Career Advice You’ve Ever Been Given? – #TQOTD
Today's #TQOTD really got Connie and Fish all riled up because according to Connie, her worst career advice cam FROM Fish. Uh oh!
What’s the worst career advice you’ve ever been given?
- Do all this work... it will lead to a promotion.
- I worked until I was 62 receiving a $.25 raise yearly. Now I am 78 getting a small pension and Social Security and I am on Medicaid and community care and don’t have enough moneyEach month except for utilities and groceries. I could’ve done better but Worked Doing what I love to do
- My dad always taught me to stand my ground at work when i know im right. Apparently thats not ok lol. Who knew
- Your to positive. Your glass cant possibly be that full
- Quit or deal with it. I will a few days later for a better posing job that have me way more hours. I was the first in a group of people to leave bc of the manager.
- You smile too much- smile less. (Reason I didn’t get promoted or a raise- our raise was only .25 per year)
- Ummm hmm , nope , naddda, ain’t doing it, just be nice he said, can’t, oh wait....... my job isn’t a career. Not it
- You can grow up and be anything you want to be!
- "just tough it out for ****...."
- Go to college or you won't get a good job. Lies!
- Poop time is cry time
- If you dont like it, quit!
- Fake it until you make it!
- Dont be bossy .......
- My most recent manager told me a couple different times to NOT apply for more advanced roles in our company any time hey came up (with no explanation as to why). Well joke is on him, a supervisor role came up and I thought “screw him keeping me down” and went for it. I got the job so you’re now talking to a freaking department supervisor!!! Woot! (Screw him and the old boys club he lives in).
- TQOTD. I don't know if it is bad but, "Do what you love." If I were paid just a little more, it would be fine but I am broke. When it comes to careers that involve creativity/arts unless you are phenomenal or get a major break, it will NOT PAY THE BILLS! Hmmm, do I sound bitter?
- Just enroll in college and take classes until you discover what you want to major in.
- I never received any advice. Back in college if you haven't a clue what you want to do when you get older all you get from career advisors is "There must be SOMETHING" or "You'll think of something one day". That was over 10 years ago and I still haven't a clue.
- You’ll have to put up with unpleasant people at work so learn to do it now (this from a family member as an excuse for his behavior)
- At one job, everyone was telling me what “skills” I needed to develop in order to be successful. The problem is, those “skills” would have caused me to push down many of my personality traits that make me a unique individual. When I finally realized that they actually wanted me to be a different person, I realized that I was in the wrong environment.
- "Just go along with whatever he says" It's so annoying that a man can be so sexist but no one stands up to him just to make life easy. Just so you all know - I did not "just go along with" all of his terrible remarks
- "Never teach in an inner city high school." From my dad. I later spent 10 years teaching at such a school and loved the kids. Best years of my career.
- One time I was told by a career counselor at my community college to make my resume in the same theme color of the company I was applying to. Not even McDonalds hired me :-(
- You need to stay at a company for at least a year before you look for another job, otherwise nobody will give you an interview. The last three companies I’ve only stayed 9-10 months, and each have offered me an $8k raise over the last company
- Do a good job and your work will speak for itself. Maybe in the land of sunshine, rainbows and honest men. People are happy to take credit for your work.
- The new owner of the company will be a great person to work for.
- Nice people make great bosses. No they do not. They are usually the worst bosses. The worst!!!
- The worst career advice I ever received is when I was in college to not go with a major I wanted to. it was from someone that was in the field that I was interested in and they happen to hate their job. I still regret it to this day
- “Choose X job. It makes the most money.” Considering I spend most of my waking hours working, I prefer to work someplace I love with awesome coworkers and for a good cause.
- I was told by a colleague not to request a review/pay-rise, because the bosses would respect me more if i held off. Wrong advice! They respect you LESS if you don't back yourself. I ask for a review every 6months without fail.
- My mom told me to quit bartending even though I loved it. I now own the bar I’ve been bartending at for ten years and I make twice as much as my mom.
- The worst career avoid I got was that I should work in a factory my brother told me this and he has been in and out my life and I still in high school so I don't know how I would balance school and work
- #TQOTD As the receptionist you need to wear makeup
- Worst advice: In the corporate world size doesnt matter.......
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