Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale were spotted together again in Los Angeles over the weekend, holding hands and reportedly going to a hotel after the comedian's set at Largo in West Hollywood. Though the actress and Saturday Night Live star have not publicly addressed their relationship (unless you count the 45-year-old's cheeky Instagram comment), Bethenny Frankel is chiming in on how the 25-year-old was able to first land Ariana Grande, and now Beckinsale.

"So Pete Davidson was engaged to the sexy & talented @ArianaGrande and is now dating the beyond stunning @KateBeckinsale?" she tweeted. "So I guess it’s clear that he shoots diamonds out of his penis?"

"He is probably nice & funny & sensitive which women like," the Real Housewives star added, after a follower asked how women keep falling for him. "Cute and sweet. And the diamond D doesn’t hurt I reckon."

Check out Frankel's x-rated posts below.

Davidson and Grande broke off their engagement in October. Three months later, he was seen leaving a Golden Globes after party with Beckinsale.

Though all signs point to dating, a source told E! that the actress finds Davidson "funny and charming;" however, "It's definitely not anything intense."

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