Bride Threatens to Cancel Wedding If Guests Don’t Pay for Their Own Meals
A bride-to-be revealed she might cancel her wedding if guests don't agree to pay for their own meals.
Pulled from a Facebook group, the anonymous bride's post was shared on Reddit, alongside the headline: "Bride fails to budget appropriately, wants her guests to pay for her reception."
"Did anyone ask their guests to pay for their meals?" the bride's post read, with her name and photo blurred out. "Everything is so expensive at the moment. We're either going to postpone our October wedding, cancel the guest part or ask our guests to pay for their meals in lieu of gifts."
"I've sent invites out so not sure how we'd go about it," the bride continued. "Please help. I'm stressed and sad."
In the Reddit comments, some people sympathized with the stressed bride, reasoning she was being more than reasonable if she was prepared to forgo gifts in order to have guests.
"Personally if I was asked to pay for my food within reason instead of a gift I would be really happy with that. So long as that was the understanding from the start. Some people just want to spend the day with their family and friends I see no issue with that," one person commented.
"That's what my dad did at his wedding, on the invite it said no gifts but please pay for your meal," another user wrote.
It's unknown if the bride canceled her nuptials or went with her idea of asking guests to pay for their plates.
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