Counting Candy, Picky Eating, and Reading Books – Steve’s Daddy Tips (10-7-20)
Steve shares a secret that not many parents pick up on when it comes to reading your kids books.
- Today’s first Daddy Tip is a quick tip we’ve used with Charlotte to help teach her how to count. As a treat for Charlotte we like to pour out a bag of candy and if she counts the candy correctly she gets to eat it. We like to use M&Ms but if your little one isn’t good about chewing their food yet, you might want to use something that is less of a choking hazard. Charlotte loves to count them and even say her colors too.
- The next Daddy Tip is also about eating and it might help some kids who are picky eaters. Charlotte really isn’t a picky eater but she does have a weird quirk. She doesn’t like when food is hot or cold (unless it’s ice cream) so she always waits until her food is room temperature before eating it. Fresh chili for dinner? Better put Charlotte’s in a bowl 10 minutes before you serve it to everyone else because if it’s too hot she won’t eat it even when it does cool down. So maybe your kid is super sensitive to hot and cold too and letting stuff get to room temperature will help them be less of a picky eater.
- And the final Daddy Tip of the week is don’t get too good at reading books. So, that might sound weird but I’ve gotten so good at reading books that Charlotte always asks me to do it instead of Britt. I know that hurts Britt’s feelings a little bit and it gets old having to read all of the books. So don’t be like me and make up cool voices for the characters and definitely don’t get all into the songs in kids books or else your little one will be begging for you to read another one like Charlotte does.
And now it’s time for an awesome Dad Joke!
Q: Where do you take someone who was injured in a peekaboo accident?
A: The I C U
Listen to the entire segment below:
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