Expect To See West Michigan’s First Snow Within The Next Month
It's that time of year again when the leaves change, the weather cools, and we see the first snowflakes of the holiday season.
The weather is still in the 60s and 70s and most of the leaves are still on the trees, but as a Michigander, you should all know that this will change very quickly. Now, there isn't any snow in the immediate forecast either, but in extended forecasts, we are starting to see temperatures at night dropping into the low 30s and all it takes is a little precipitation on one of those nights to make some snowflakes.
Accuweather.com forecast the chance of snow in the first few weeks of November and, luckily for us, no chance of snow in October. Although that could change, because statistically, the Grand Rapids area gets an average of 0.1 inches of snow in October. Sure, it's a really small amount, but technically 0.1 inches is still snow.
According to Wood TV 8, Grand Rapids sees its first snow in the first week of November, we get our first accumulation about 3 weeks into November, and we see our first accumulation of over 3 inches by the end of the first week in December.
So, no matter what the weather has been like the last couple of weeks, we all know that the summer's over and that cold, wet, and then eventually snowy, weather is on the way.
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