Game of Thrones knows how much its fans will analyze and decode every production detail, and occasionally saves us the trouble. Get a closer look at all the written props this week, revealing the extent of Jorah’s love for Dany, and a greyscale cure that involves … olive oil?

Don’t bother freeze-framing every moment of this past Sunday’s “Stormborn,” as Making Game of Thrones has helpfully released up-close looks at the goodbye note we saw Jorah writing for Dany, the ravens Tyrion and Sam sent to Jon, and even the cure for greyscale. Obviously, Jorah didn’t finish his letter, and no longer has any need for it, but peep that man’s devotion:


I came to the Citadel in the last hope that the maesters could treat me, as you ordered. Even with all their arts, I am beyond any cure but the grave. I have had a longer life than I deserved, and I only wish I could’ve lived to see the world you’re going to build, standing by your side. I have loved you since the moment I met you.

Game of Thrones Stormborn Jorah Letter
Making Game of Thrones / HBO

And while we only saw the crunchy part of Jorah’s greyscale cure, here’s the additional work Sam put in:

Exposed skyn to be cleaned and soaked in a salve made from the resin of pine, the green bark of elder twigs, white beeswax and oyl from the olive.

Use sharpened point of the tool to enter greyscale …

Game of Thrones Stormborn Greyscale Cure
Making Game of Thrones / HBO
Game of Thrones Stormborn Greyscale Cure
Making Game of Thrones / HBO
Game of Thrones Stormborn Greyscale Cure
Making Game of Thrones / HBO

We didn’t see the final outcome of Jorah’s cure, it’s safe to say that dude would do anything for love (but we won’t do that). You can check out additional prop designs at the link above, and stay tuned for this coming Sunday’s “The Queen’s Justice,” as Game of Thrones Season 7 continues.

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