GR Intersection Among Worst In State For Crashes
Of the top 20 worst intersections in Michigan last year, only one was in West Michigan, but it was a bad one.
Almost all of the top 20 worst intersections were in the metropolitan Detroit area, but one West Michigan crossing made the list, and it will come as little surprise to anyone who drives through it on a regular basis.
The intersection of Wealthy Street and US-131 just south of downtown ranked 8th in the state for the number of crashes and injuries for the year 2019. The list was compiled by the Michigan Auto Law web site.
The intersection had 123 crashes in 2019, resulting in 18 injuries, making it the 8th most dangerous intersection in the state.
Other Kent County intersections noted by the study included:
US 131 and Burton Street: 75 crashes and 14 injuries
28th Street and Division Street: This intersection had the most injuries in Kent County with 24 in 74 crashes.
28th Street and Broadmoor (East Beltline): 73 crashes and 19 injuries.
28th Street at I-96 in Cascade Township: 72 crashes and 6 injuries
Fuller Avenue NE at Michigan Street NE: 65 crashes, 10 injuries.
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