Grand Rapids Won’t Start Enforcing Parking Meters Until Start Of July
Back in March, at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Grand Rapids city officials announced they'd be temporarily stopping the enforcement of parking meters in the business districts of the city. We knew that wouldn't be the case forever, now as the state re-opens, so does city services, like meter enforcement, but we still have a little bit of time before you get fined.
The city has posted its plans for re-opening or as they call it "Re-Entry Services" and they list out by department changes that are happening within interacting with that particular city department.
When you get to the Mobile GR section - which is parking services and enforcement around the city - you'll see that they say they'll continue the suspension of parking enforcement through July 6th. Meaning, Tuesday, July 7th, you better have the MOTU app or coins for the meters, because they'll once again be walking around putting green envelopes on windshields.
A few other notable things within parking, 'Residential Parking Permits' have automatically been renewed through October 31st. So if this applies to you, you'll get a renewal notice in the mail, this fall.
Mobile GR is also adding Temporary 15 Minute Pick Up/Drop Off parking spots for businesses as they continue their increase in take-out business.
They also announced that as of August 1st, they'll start impounding cars once again for unpaid parking tickets.
Free parking downtown was nice while it lasted, that is if during the pandemic you ever made it to metered parking areas.
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