Get a Whole Bag of Books for Just $5 at Upcoming Sale in West Michigan
If you've been looking to stock up on books, this a must-attend event!

The holidays are coming up, or maybe you just want to treat yourself to some books - well Friends of the Kent District Library can help you do that!
The Friends of the library are hosting a stuff a bag book sale. You can buy a bag (or multiple bags) for just $5 and fill it with as many books as you would like.
The sale will be at the Kent District Library Grandville Branch, Saturday, October 27, 2023, starting at 9:30a.m.
KDL Grandville is located at 4055 Maple St. SW.
It will even continue into the next week while supplies last!
Later that day, there's also the Fall Family Spectacular at KDL Grandville.
Those aren't the only fun events coming up at KDL Grandville. There's also story time for kids each Tuesday at 10a.m., Tai Chi for seniors, Teen Time, Movie Zone, a Fall Fest October 6, and a KDL Lab Experience: Under the Sea coming up October 4 where guests are invited to take a dive with some ocean-themed STEAM activities.
Find more KDL Grandville activities here.
Grandville Public Library Remodel - Kent District Libraries (KDL)
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