Yep, no one won the Monday Powerball jackpot of $1 Billion dollars, soooo, tonight, Wednesday, the estimated jackpot will be worth $1.2 Billion Dollars. Let me say that again, the Powerball jackpot has now reached $1.2 billion dollars!

Powerball Jackpot Expected To Reach A Whopping Record-Breaking 1.5 Billion Dollars
Getty Images

Just because there wasn't a BIG winner doesn't mean that there weren't any winners because there were. One player here in Michigan, Traverse City, won $1 million along with 12 other players around the country. And,192,404 tickets sold here in Michigan won at least $4 in the drawing. Hey, they won something, right?

Chino Hills 7-Eleven Sold One Of The Winning Powerball Tickets
Getty Images

There were a few $2 Million Dollar winners across the country, so, when you wake up Thursday morning, be sure you check your tickets very carefully because it might be a winner.....of something!

Powerball Drawing On Wednesday For 750 Million Is One Of The Biggest Jackpots In Game's History
Getty Images/Joe Raedle

And, the odds of winning the BIG ONE? A mere 292.2 million to one! Yikes! Almost every state plays Powerball, because besides Michigan, 44 other states play, as well as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. So we're each a tiny speck in the Powerball world. But, hey, your chances are zero if you don't play, so there's that.

So, let's say I win, wink, wink!

Suffolk Couple Win £148m In EuroMillions Draw
Getty Images/Oli Scarff

What would I do, take the annuity over 29 years which would come out to a cool billion dollars, or take a cash payout which would equal $596.7 million? In the long run, if you do it right, take the cash payout, make sure you have a financial advisor, lawyer, heart doctor...HA...get out of existing debt, invest, save, etc., I would most probably come out ahead. Guess I'd better buy a ticket, huh!

woman pumping fists celebrates success under money rain
SIphotography/Getty Images

One can only dream!


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