The 313 area code has been synonymous with Detroit for decades but as phone companies run out of numbers, customers may have to pivot to a new area code.

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 313 Has a Rich History

The iconic 313 area code was established back in 1947. It was one of the original 86 area codes used to designate geographic regions of the United States. It originally served all of Southeast Michigan including Flint and even part of the Thumb.

But the area code architects (that's just a title I made up) who devised the area code plan for AT&T and the Bell system back in the 1940s couldn't possibly have been able to predict how demand for phone numbers would explode as technology evolved.

The 313 Divide

The 810 area code was established in December 1993, and on August 10 (think about how that date is expressed - 8/10), 1994, the 810 became the law of the land for everyone in the northern section of the former 313 area code, outside of Wayne, Washtenaw, and Monroe Counties.

As cell phones became ever-popular and technology demanded more phone numbers, the 810 soon splintered as area codes 248 and 586 were added in Michigan.

But the iconic 313 area code endured, becoming known far and wide as Detroit's area code. But that is about to change.

Running Out of Numbers

As the demand for phone numbers continues, the 313 is predicted to run out of number combinations in 2025, according to WXYZ.

The North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) is proposing a new area code to be used as the supply of 313 numbers is depleted. The Michigan Public Service Commission is likely to approve that proposal.

New customers (and customers requesting new numbers for devices) will be issued phone numbers preceded by a 679 area code. Existing customers who currently have a 313 phone number will not be forced to change area codes.

Some businesses may still be able to obtain phone numbers with 313 area codes after 2025 if they move within the region.

The change will require customers to dial all 10 digits of a phone number even when calling within the same area code.

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