While Manifest has been cancelled after a three-season run at NBC, it looks like the network might reverse that decision following fan outcry. Last month, the missing plane drama was axed by NBC and Netflix decided not to pick it up. But according to Deadline, NBC is back in talks with Warner Bros. about a fourth season. In an interesting twist, Netflix has also resumed their conversation with Warner Bros. about bringing the show back on air.

Why the sudden interest in reviving Manifest for a fourth season? The show's passionate fanbase has started the #SaveManifest campaign on social media, urging the network to reconsider their decision to cancel. As Season 1 and 2’s viewership numbers continue to increase on Netflix, both NBC and Netflix could be realizing that a fourth season is worth the investment.

In addition, NBC recently announced that Season 5 of Good Girls wouldn’t be happening as planned. The eight-episode order was cancelled following cast-deal issues, leaving more room in NBC’s budget — and an empty slot in the TV schedule. With a bit more flexibility, NBC can seriously reconsider bringing Manifest back for its fourth installment.

Show creator Jeff Rake, who regularly engages with fans through trivia contests and live-tweeting sessions, hinted at the possibility of the show's return earlier in July. Pinned to the top of his profile is a tweet that states he's “not giving up.”

On Tuesday, he followed up with another post that alluded to "lots of speculation" surrounding Manifest's pickup. While he didn't have a comment on the matter, he did make it clear that any decision on NBC or Netflix's part would happen based on outcry from fans.

Season 3 of Manifest ended with several unanswered questions and cliffhangers, as the show was intended for a six-season run. Whether or not a full six seasons is in the cards, another season would definitely tie up the show’s loose ends.

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