These Are The Safest And Most Dangerous Cars To Drive In Michigan
When it comes to what vehicle people choose to drive there are many different reasons.
It could be because of how it looks, a family member might work for that company.
For some, it's only about one thing and that's safety.
Data has been collected and shows that these are the 3 safest and deadliest cars to drive in America and Michigan.
Most Dangerous Cars To Drive In America
The information for the safest and most dangerous car brands in America comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Glass Doctor has come out with the top 3 safest and most dangerous car brands in America and they also broke down the information for each state.
The information was based on (NHTSA) data collected from 2011-2022.
These Are The Safest And Most Dangerous Cars To Drive In America
When it comes to the safest car in America according to the data, Audi is the top safest car brand, with only 0.54 fatal crashes per 1,000 drivers over the decade.
According to the report Audi has made significant investments in safety technology research and development, including developing new safety systems that use sensors and cameras to detect and prevent accidents.
Subaru and Mercedes-Benz also ranked highly, with 0.55 and 0.75 fatal crashes per 1,000 drivers.
When it comes to the most dangerous cars to drive in America this is what the data says.
Dodge is the most dangerous brand, with 4.03 fatal crashes per 1,000 drivers.
Mitsubishi and Buick followed, with 2.78 and 2.71 fatal crashes per 1,000 drivers.
Safest Cars To Drive In Michigan
Most Dangerous Cars To Drive In Michigan
You can read more about this report here
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