Maybe it's because I was born and raised in Michigan, but if you asked me what the state's biggest tourist trap was I couldn't name one. The only tourist traps I could think of would be places like The Mall of American in Minessota, Hollywood Boulevard in California, and Roswell in New Mexico.

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It turns out Michigan has a popular tourist trap with lots of fun things to offer if you set your navigation north to Saint Ignace, Michigan.

attachment-google map the mystery spot

Before We Check Out Michigan's Biggest Tour Trap Let's See What Nearby States Have

Credit: BibleWalk via Facebook
Credit: BibleWalk via Facebook

In Ohio, the biggest tourist trap is the BibleWalk Wax Museum.

Credit: Worlds Largest Ball of Paint via Facebook
Credit: Worlds Largest Ball of Paint via Facebook

In Indiana, the biggest tourist trap is the World’s Largest Paint Ball.

Credit: Google Maps
Credit: Google Maps

in Illinois, the biggest tourist trap is the Super Museum.

Have You Visited The Biggest "Tourist Trap In The State of Michigan?

According to Michigan's biggest tourist trap is located in Saint Ignace and is called The Mystery Spot.

Credit: Mystery Spot via Facebook
Credit: Mystery Spot via Facebook

Best Life Online said when coming up with each state's biggest tourist trap

"There are places all over the world that are considered tourist traps, or places where tourists are lured in with the expectation of something great. Sometimes, these attractions can exploit travelers with overpriced goods or services, but other times, they can really live up to the hype. Either way, it’s always good to be aware of what popular and frequently visited locations are considered tourist traps that won’t have much to offer before you travel there.”


What Can You Do At The Mystery Spot In Saint Ignace?

  • Zipline
  • Guided Tour of The Mystery Spot
  • 18 Holes of Mini Golf
  • Walk The Maze In The Woods

You can check out all they have to offer by clicking here

The History of The Mystery Spot

You can read about the interesting story of how the Mystery Spot came to be back in the 1950s by clicking here.

Next time I head up north I'm going to make a quick stop at the Mystery Spot and see things for myself.

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