Maybe They Should Try These Alternative Slogans For Ohio’s New Tourism Campaign
Earlier this week news reports from the east side of the state shared billboards that made their way into downtown Detroit that are really causing a stir.
The people in charge of Ohio tourism placed two billboards in the heart of Detroit that some say 'highlight' the rivalry between the two states. The billboards both read "Ohio, the heart of it all."
But let's be honest, all of us here in Michigan know that Ohio is nowhere near the heart of it all. If anything they're our little brother who started a war over Toledo with us in the late 1800's.
And these are't the first shots fired I've seen from America's second least favorite state. The last time I attended a Pistons game at Little Caesars Arena, I saw a digital advertisement that dunked on how much better Toledo's zoo is than Detroit's. It's pretty rude to come into our house and make fun of our baby, right?
So in honor of the spirit of the "rivalry" we share, I've come up with a few slogan ideas that feel a little more honest for the next time they want to put up signs in our great state.
New and improved Ohio Tourism slogans:
Because Indiana is somehow worse
The Wright Brothers hated it so much they invented the airplane to escape
Jokes on you, we fought an entire war with Michigan and only got Toledo
Come visit if you want a coney dog ruined by cinnamon
Drew Carey had a show here once
Because cornfields can be a personality type
I'm not sure if the Ohio Tourism board is going to hire me, but I offer any of these slogans for them to use to accurately describe our little brother to the south.
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