Bless the Parks and Recreation cast, and the political optimism they’ve come to embody. Following an NRA attempt to co-opt the image of Leslie Knope over Twitter, creator Mike Schur and stars Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler are letting the pro-gun organization have it.
As if you hadn’t enough trouble keeping The Handmaiden and The Handmaid’s Tale separate, Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman are adding a new wrinkle. The Parks and Recreation pair will host The Handmade Project, a new NBC reality competition for craft-making.
Perhaps no TV icon had been so influenced by Hillary Clinton as Parks and Recreation’s Leslie Knope, lending this week’s election an extra degree of sadness. Now, a writer from the series pens a letter to America in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, reminding women “You are going to run this country, and this world, very soon.”