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Celebrities Tweet Easter Wishes and 4/20 Jokes
Celebrities Tweet Easter Wishes and 4/20 Jokes
Celebrities Tweet Easter Wishes and 4/20 Jokes
Apr. 20, is a unique situation this year as the Holy Christian holiday of Easter and the (un)official day of marijuana both fall on this date today. We took a look at some of your favorite stars and the Easter wishes they're sending their fans, as well as a few 4/20 jokes here and there.
Tweet Queen
Tweet Queen
Tweet Queen
Katy Perry is officially the queen of the Twittersphere. The pop star has become the very first Twitter user of all time to reach 50 million Twitter followers. That's right. 50. Million.
Get Your Instagram On
Get Your Instagram On
Get Your Instagram On
Earlier this month I blogged about Facebook's Year In Review, and now Instagram has something similar!