The New Fishing Season Also Brings A Few New Regulations
If you’re an angler, you probably know that April 1st kicked off the 2018 fishing license season and regulation season. If not, now you do. And with a new season, of course, there are a few new regulations for this year, and some new technology to keep up with the times.
- First, the new technology, Michigan DNR has created a digital license that once purchased stores a copy of your license and you can show a DNR officer if asked.
- A new registration system is set up for those who catch lake sturgeon or muskellunge (previously it was a tag system)
- Muskellunge harvest season’s opening day has been changed to the first Saturday in June.
- There’s also a catch and immediate-release season open year round for muskellunge as well.
Licenses are available through local retailers or you can purchase them from the Michigan DNR Customer Service Center or online with their eLicense system.