Have You Played These Iconic Video Games Set In Michigan?
Video games aren't just for teenagers anymore. It's becoming more and more normal for average every day people to play games into adulthood, because they're a great way to escape the every day stress of our lives.
According to statista.com, 65 percent of adults in the United States play video games on at least one platform, and only 35 percent of us do not play at all. So odds are likely, you may burn some steam with something fun here and there.
Most games try to make you escape to fictional places like Vice City or Metropolis, there are a few based in real places. And yes, some of them are even set here in Michigan.
Here are some of the biggest games to be set in or feature the state of Michigan
Detroit: Become Human (2018)
This one is a little obvious, but this game follows three androids in a futuristic version of Michigan's biggest city, as they struggle to fit in with their human counter parts.
By the end of the game, your goal is to escape to Canada, to gain their freedom.
Dirt (Series)
While this racing series isn't based in one soul location, Dirt 3, 4 and Showdown all feature multiple race scenarios that bring you to Michigan.
While it seems that a lot of the later Dirt games feature at least one track in Michigan, the newest one skipped the mitten state.
Battllefield: Hardline (2015)
While many of the battlefield games are war based, Hardline instead focuses on crime instead.
While the game is set in multiple places, Precinct 7 is a map that is featured in the Robbery expansion, which is set in a run-down neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan on a winter night. While it's not the most flattering portrayal on the list, it's pretty fun to see how accurate some of the map is to the city itself.
Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon (2011)
Named after the movie with the same name, this game is also partially set in Detroit.
For part of the game, the Autobots attempt to defend Detroit from Decepticon forces which are led by the Constructicon Mixmaster. Another really fun and accurate layout of the city worth playing to see.
This one was a surprise to me, since you never really get a sense of where this game is set during the play through. But this portal based puzzle game leads you through a series of experiments at a futuristic laboratory.
However (slight spoiler) at the end of the first game when you're set free, that Aperture Science was located in Michigan all along. This is my favorite game of all, and perfect if you like low stress puzzle games.
SimCity (1986)
While the city of "Micropolis" isn't based on Detroit, there is a mode of the game that allows you to simulate running the city of Detroit called "Detroit, 1972".
The game has the city of Detroit overrun with crime, and your job as the city planner is to turn it around in a ten year span. This mode is a little low key offensive and probably wouldn't fly now, but it's crazy to see it none the less.
Need an idea of what else to play? Here's every video game ever, ranked worst to best
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