You see them posted all over social media all the time, so we thought that we need to give you a place to voice those opinions to our entire listening area.

What's an unpopular opinion you have?

  • OMG! Connie, I agree with you… I do not agree with radical feminism either. My thing is I actually would like to be treated like a lady by a gentleman. I am completely capable of opening the door, however, I would like a gentleman to open it for me that's just an example.
  • #TQOTD Pickles 👏 are 👏 DISGUSTING 👏It doesn't matter what type or brand!
  • It is OK to parent your kid. Teach them how the world works. You do the biggest disservice letting social media be their teachers. I work with a 21-year-old that can't write and doesn't know that a phone # has 10 digests, not 9!.
  • My parenting skills are very strict, anytime I want to take away privileges such as cell phone use or being home alone or instill some counseling because teenagers need coping skills other than cutting themselves, that causes huge fights between me and my husband.
  • Don't have kids that you can't support. It's not someone else's responsibility to raise your kid's
  • if you're in a relationship you shouldn't be hanging out alone with someone of the opposite gender
  • Pumpkin spice is gross, and leggings are uncomfortable!!!
  • social media is causing depression and anxiety. It creates an unrealistic view of people's lives
  • Question of the day… My coworkers do not like it when I tell them, you are here to make that man a millionaire do the best you can do and hopefully you'll get a good bonus .now shit your mouth and do your job! Yup the bitch in Carol comes out, lol
  • I think they should put the pledge of allegiance back in schools
  • My unpopular opinion is that Christmas lights and decorations should be up and celebrated November 1st through January 31st. What about Christmas music you ask? Well, that should be played all year long of course!
  • My unpopular opinion is that I think dinosaurs were fluffy and bright colors instead of weird and scaley. PROVE ME WRONG!
  • I got my son a cell phone at age 8. Teaches him responsibility and allowed me to reach him anytime he wasn't with me. As a parent I set limits and told him "no" he couldn't be on it all the time. Three years later he still has the same phone and is hardly on it unless we're out doing boring things. PRO-TIP: Install the app MM Guardian
  • Pineapple does NOT belong on pizza, coffee is gross, GOT is a horrible show. And Star Wars is dumb. Sorry not sorry... also I hate it when ppl use 40,000 ####
  • ALL dirty laundry should be done daily, bath towels should not be reused, and bed sheets washed weekly. #ILoveDoingLaundry
  • My unpopular opinion is that women should not have to take the garbage out.
  • That good employees leave good jobs just because. It's because the boss is horrible has no people skills and thinks the world revolves around her!!
  • Deep Space 9 is BY FAR the best Trek!
  • You did not "seen" it. You either "saw it" or "have seen it"! I finally got that off my chest - thank you!
  • Senior citizens should not be able to grocery shop after 4:30 pm. We are in a hurry after work and they block the aisles and have all day to shop
  • I’m not concerned with my kid's grades in high school. Grades and test scores age 17 and under do not define who a person is going to be. I also don’t care if my child wants to go to college or not. Again, they must have a plan and a vision but it doesn’t have to include college.
  • Letting the tv “babysit” the kids are fine 😝 Deal with it
  • When people turn 70, they should have to retake their behind the wheel drivers test to keep the license. There I said it...
  • Kids need discipline and should be held responsible for their actions.
  • My unpopular opinion is that I cannot stand Taylor Swift. She can write a catchy tune but her lyrics are immature she can’t sing and she’s not pretty. She and Adele are the same age and look at the difference in their lyrics just sayin
  • firmly believe parents should spank their children.
  • Green bean casserole among America's least favorite Thanksgiving food is not true. I love it and it is my favorite Thanksgiving and any vegetable casserole.
  • 65 degrees is warm enough! Don’t touch the thermostat!!!
  • That I'm not skipping Thanksgiving, just because I like to decorate for the holidays, before December.
  • That my kids don’t need to eat a home-cooked breakfast every flipping day!! Guess what extended family??? We eat crappy cereal every single morning and we are fine!!!
  • I love Christmas music 🎶 and it’s not too early to decorate for Christmas 😊
  • Christmas music should start Nov 1st
  • Utensils are necessary for eating anything messy, including pizza, hamburgers, anything covered in BBQ sauce, and watermelon. We are not cavemen!
  • I don’t like the movie Princess Bride!
  • Don't get kids cell phones, let them learn to speak face to face to a person, or using a landline. (this also goes for adults) oh and on that same line *L* no cell phone use at all unless its hands-off.
  • Kids deserve mental health days
  • Breast is best
  • Purple is the best color
  • Don't like star wars or lord of the ring
  • Money doesn't buy happiness
  • Pennies should be eliminated. It will keep old people from holding up the checkout line.
  • You can keep a clean house AND work and have kids.
  • Jason Momoa is not attractive.
  • I don’t care for steak... I’ll eat it, but it tastes like nothing special so I feel bad it’s “wasted” on me 😂 venison steak, however, is a different story.
  • Founders beer is overrated and Star Wars episodes 1-3 are not bad.
  • White "chocolate" is not chocolate, and people should stop calling it that. It is White Candy Coating.
  • Coffee is gross.
  • Fries are delicious dipped in mayo.
  • Pancakes, French toast, and waffles have to be eaten with peanut butter and syrup.
  • Coffee should only be drunk in the morning (6 am-11 am).
  • That we should wait a week to sign up for Disney+
  • Bullying should have a zero-tolerance policy, but my child's school doesn't seem to think so...
  • Old people and reckless drivers need their licenses taken away, permanently.
  • Politics should not be excluded from casual conversation.
  • Don't like cats...but I'd make an exception for Connie's! 😉
  • Orange juice smells and tastes like stomach acid.
  • Pineapple🍍 on pizza 🍕😳
  • Ham and pineapple pizza is gross.
  • French fries are best when dipped in a Wendy’s frosty
  • Green beans casserole is the worst Thanksgiving dish
  • Pumpkin is nasty... Pumpkin spice all the things are nasty... Why is everyone so obsessed?
  • Avocados are just nasty in taste and texture
  • Pickles are gross! Even pregnant I can’t do it.
  • Chocolate is nasty and tires shops smell good
  • Putting clothes or any other unnatural aesthetic (nail polish or hair dye) is so wrong! It is only for the human's pleasure and entertainment, and not for the quality of life for the animal. Every animal that is forced to adorn any article of clothing not intended for anxiety is inhumane. And the animals who do have an anxiety issue is only due to poor training and coddling bad mannerisms during
  • Circus Peanuts are delicious!!
  • Marshmallows should not go on yams
  • Lobster tastes like dirt.
  • I love the snow!!!
  • I absolutely, utterly hate Christmas!!!
  • BIP: Star Wars sucks
  • Friends is not funny
  • Nutella is gross
  • Most people suck!!
  • I like turtles
  • That I detest cilantro.
  • Celery is nasty.
  • Office Space is a horrible movie
  • Beer is disgusting
  • Porsche's are ugly.
  • I don’t like bacon, coffee or chocolate
  • TQOTD... The more kids, the better. Yes I know they are expensive, yes I know how they are made. No, I do not need a bigger house, no they do not all have their own room... MIND YA BUSINESS!!! You do not raise there for you don't get an opinion. #familyof7 #5kids #moreificould
  • My unpopular opinion is that the yellow banana Laffey taffy is by far the best one.
  • My unpopular opinion is Millennials are so much more courteous kind and thoughtful than Boomers.
  • TQOTD I think that Beyonce is overrated and I don't understand why people love her so much
  • TQOFTD-I would have to say that it's in regards to the sensitivity of people in this country and the way people drive in this country.
  • Letting your children play on the hospital floor I just don't understand why people think the hospital is so clean it is probably one of the dirtiest places you could ever go to with the most diseases you could ever think of I walk into patients rooms that have contagious diseases and then walk into another patient's rooms using the same shoes and then I see children playing on the floor and I just pray that they don't catch anything bad
  • My opinion, as a teacher, The world does not revolve around a child. We need to teach them how to think of other people, they don’t know how to do this from birth. People that work hard get rewarded not everyone should get a sticker or certificate of participation
  • #tqotd..... Pb& j, root beer, and kraft macaroni and cheese are all NASTY
  • TQOFTD-The "me first" attitude of people. No respect for each other. No equality amongst people. Prejudice in this country.
  • Honestly, parents get really good at ignoring annoyances… LOL, they probably didn't even realize he was kicking the seat… LOL
  • My opinion, bring back Spankings! I drive your kids to and from school I know how they are acting, it's Horrible!
  • call do I think this is is right if you're child has an issue it would be very polite in the correcting to do is just let people around you know but better yet why not take the seat in front of your child and then have the other parent takes the seat next to the child so if your child is kicking the seat then it's your seat because you know why your child is doing it
  • Prejudice is my number one peeve, irritation whatever you want to call it. I hate it with a passion
  • Unpopular opinions...I completely agree with Connie, I am a woman but there are definitely times #me too goes too far. Also, weighted blankets, support animals to school on exam days..suck it up kids I DO NOT believe in participation trophies. Character is not built from coddling
  • TQOTD. My unpopular opinion is that people who have kids and are on government assistance because they can't afford their kids should be on mandatory birth control (not the pill - and IUD, Norplant, or 3-month injection) to prevent them from getting pregnant again while on government assistance
  • TQOTD People on government assistance should have to have drug tests to receive benefits
  • When people say its winter at the start of fall drives me crazy so I say fall when its still December (before the winter equinox)
  • My unpopular opinion: is I do not like Elvis Presley!
  • I believe in the ancient alien history, you wouldn't believe how I get verbally attacked from people about it.., constantly challenged by ppl to "prove me wrong"
  • My unpopular opinion is that I don't think every single thing should be gender inclusive. I myself am apart of the LGBTQ community and I think the whining about things being labeled women's and men's and what not is just ridiculous.
  • My unpopular opinion is balloon animals 4 days a week is NOT too much to ask for. Some people need 8 hours of beauty sleep. I need 4 balloon animal sessions a week to be a happy, no attitude, functional person.
  • I can't stand Oprah
  • My unpopular opinion of soup is weird. I refuse to eat it.
  • People with families getting a discount on stuff when single 1 income peeps get no breaks. I pay for all my own stuff, where’s my discount? College, the gym that stuff is expensive!
  • My unpopular opinion is the hype and demand respect new recruits in the military desire. There hasn’t been a draft in the new millennium, it’s a career choice. You are not better or put on a higher pedestal just because you decided to join a branch of military. I choose to become a doctor you choose to become a solider, we both sacrificed our lives for the greater good of the people. Stop with the boasting and demands, you CHOOSE that path, live with it.
  • Unpopular opinion: a violent pandemic might be just what the world needs.
  • Unpopular opinion: Capital punishment should be reserved for pedophiles, of course AND spitting gum anywhere but the garbage!!!! Gum goes in your mouth or in the garbage! NOT on the ground for my 2yr old to bring me the sticky "silly putty" they found!!!😡😡😡
  • I am a walking, talking Unpopular Opinion. The tamest would be I do not feel sorry for the majority of people living on the street or holding up signs on the corners begging for change. Granted there is a small percentage of people that are homeless through no fault of there own, but a large section have made the choice to live like that. The "career panhandlers" make more money than most people at their regular 40 hr a week. I have this opinion because I lived on the streets. It was a choice and it wasn't until I didn't to live that way that I got off and it wasn't that hard.
  • Drawn on eyebrows are scary also the new scrunchie trend is annoying. Scrunchies are trailer trashy.
  • Skunks do smell good!
  • Star Wars is overrated.
  • Egg nog is nasty.
  • Napoleon Dynamite was a TERRIBLE movie...feel free to fight me on it ;)
  • Goldendoodles, labradoodles, bernedoodles etc are mutts. You can not convince me otherwise.
  • Tqotd: the Beatles and especially Paul McCartney are overrated. Think about it...not one well written song.
  • Although I like a man with a hard, hot body with the "Man V" (on the pelvic area, not the sweater. For someone I want to actually to have balloon animals with, I prefer more of a dad bod. Lol
  • Addiction isn't a diesease. Not sorry I said it. I have cancer and it's offense to anyone with an actual disease. I didn't pick cancer. Nor did I have the choice of it.
  • Drug addicts make that crucial FIRST CHOICE to try the drug. Again, not a disease.

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