So there’ are a few things trending today:

1) Mark Zuckerberg is on Tour

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook is traveling around the country on a surprise tour.  He stopped in Ohio Friday night – Newton Falls, Ohio to be exact – and had dinner with the Moore family. He then went to South Bend and toured the city with mayor Pete Buttigieg

2) Jimmy John's Manager Annoyed by Robbery

There’s a viral video going around about an assistant manager at Jimmy John’s who was robbed at gunpoint, but instead of getting scared, the 24-year-old actually seemed annoyed at the whole thing:

NO WAY would I be so calm about it…. Here’s a story about what he was thinking during the robbery:

3) Millennials are Winning at “Adulting” in Grand Rapids

From the story right here on

The Grand Rapids Business Journal reports on a new study that placed Grand Rapids as the #2 best city in the country for millennials. The study was done by real estate website, Trulia, and compared people between the ages of 28 and 32 to those 33-55 over the last 55 years. They looked at things like employment, home ownership and income.

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