Why Are People In Michigan Changing Their Facebook Profile Picture To This?
This morning, my co-host Laura and I both noticed that a co-worker had changed her profile picture on Facebook to this photo:
It appears to be the letter "E" with the Upper Penisula going through it and two white wings, one in the upper left and the other in the bottom right of the "E".
Later, I noticed several other people on Facebook have the same profile pictures.
After doing some digging, I found out the sad reason why.
Basketball Game Cancelled Due To A Tragic Accident
The varsity boys basketball game between Escanaba and Sault Ste Marie was canceled at halftime on Friday night due to a tragedy involving one of the Escanaba players.
According to the Michigan State Police, a white Toyota SUV and a black Chevrolet SUV were headed eastbound on US-2.
A semi-truck was heading westbound when the driver, lost control and drifted toward the side of the road. The driver tried to correct this by steering back into the proper lane, but crossed the center line and struck the Toyota SUV head-on.
The two people inside the Toyota were Gerald Weaver, and Tara Weaver, both from Escanaba, who were on their way to see their son play in a basketball game, but died in the crash. The truck driver was uninjured.
Escanaba Community Rallies Around The Weaver Family
The Weavers were parents of three children. A son who had already graduated, a senior at Escanaba high (the son they were going to watch play), and a daughter.
The Escanaba Eagles Aerie 1088 posted on Facebook
It has been decided by both our Board of Trustees, along with the School System, that with the current events that have unfolded, we change our proceeds for tomorrow's breakfast. Our national charity takes pride in "People Helping People", and that is what we are going to do. PROCEEDS FOR THE 1/29 BREAKFAST HAVE BEEN REDIRECTED TO THE WEAVER FAMILY. The community is strong, and at the Eagles, we are all family. Please join us as we come together as a community and show our support and love for the youth that need it most during this time. Thank You!
KCL Embroidery & Kreations Helping The Weaver Family
KCL Embroider & Kreations is selling T-Shirts and decals to help raise money for the Weaver family.
You can get more information and order your T-Shirt or decal by clicking here
A Go Fund Me has been set up for the family, you can DONATE HERE
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