Will You Have To Show ID in Michigan To Buy Baking Soda?
Fall is basically here, which means you're probably doing a lot of baking. From pumpkin pies, to Thanksgiving dinner, to treats around Christmas, you probably find yourself stocking your shelves with lots of new ingredients.
Or, maybe you're like me who grew up being told to always keep this seemingly harmless white powder in your fridge to keep the weird smells at bay.
But the next time you go to the grocery store you may be surprised if you get asked to show your ID when you purchase this common ingredient: Baking Soda.
Why would I have to show ID in Michigan to purchase Baking Soda?
It might seem weird to have to show ID when you're purchasing something as simple as Baking Soda. And it's not a universal thing, only certain stores will ask you.
Apparently, baking soda isn't just used for baking, some people tend to use it for some not so nice uses that I wasn't even aware of (and maybe you aren't either.) It can be used as a key ingredient to make crack cocaine.
While it's not required in Michigan at this time, There are some places in the United States that also have been discussing this as well. According to a post on JohnLocke.org from a few years ago:
Now it seems that folks in Missouri may soon need an ID to purchase Baking Soda because it’s a substance used in the development of crack-cocaine. Now you might have to get carded in Missouri to bake a cake.
So, don't be shocked if you get asked to show some ID the next time you pick up baking soda. But hopefully, it wont become a law or locked behind a counter like other ingredients and household products that have been treated that way for other illegal purposes.