Women’s March Happening in Lansing. Here’s What You Need to Know
In response to the newly passed abortion laws in Texas, women all over the country are organizing a day of protest marches. That includes Michigan.
If you missed it, the new abortion law in Texas bans abortions after 6 weeks. As well, according to NPR,
Anyone who successfully sues an abortion provider under this law could be awarded at least $10,000.
Along with the passing of this law, a "whistleblower" website was published to allow for anonymous tips about those believed to be breaking the law.
Now, on October 2nd, women across the country will be participating in marches to protest this law.
In Michigan, a gathering will be taking place in Lansing. Again, all of the marches are scheduled for the same day, Saturday, October 2nd. According to the Facebook Event page, the march will start at 1pm but people will mostly likely be meeting at 11am. Details will be updated on the event page as the date grows closer.
Is Ride Share Being Offered?
Officially? No. However, there are several people discussing group rides within the Facebook event page. See if your town is mentioned here.
Do I Need to Bring Signs or Wear Something Specific?
A lot of women are saying that they'll be wearing colors like red and pink however, there's no "uniform" required. As well, signs are welcome but aren't necessary for you to attend the event.
Are Men Welcome?
Where Will the March Take Place in Lansing?
The exact route is yet to be determined. However, I would assume that the end of the march would land right in front of the capitol building in Lansing. And keep in mind, a permit is required for protests to take place in the streets since they may block traffic. From what I've seen, no permits have been acquired. I would expect to remain on the sidewalks during the march.
If you're interested in participating in a march but find yourself far away from Lansing you can check WomensMarch.com for information and locations of other marches happening that same day.
From personal conversations, most of my friends who are women are genuinely concerned for the precedent this newly passed Texas law may set for the rest of the country. While this does not change anything in Michigan, for now, Freep.com recently posted an article outlining the current abortion laws in Michigan should you need a refresher. Read more here.